About the degree programme

BA Textiles offers a rich exploration of materials in their broadest sense for a wide range of contexts and outcomes. 

We encourage you to take an experimental approach towards materials and processes to produce innovative, contemporary and questioning design work.

We advocate for you to find your own personal and individual approach to textiles. We will help you to identify alternative options and propositions for design and making, with considered approaches and sustainability at their heart. 

This may include textiles: 

  • for fashions, interiors or products 
  • as communication or for alternative contexts

What you will cover 

You will explore combinations and compositions of: 

  • imagery 
  • drawing 
  • materials 
  • texture 
  • colour 
  • pattern

You will look at textiles in two and three dimensions. We support a wide-ranging approach to drawing and personal research and encourage you to: 

  • embrace new technology 
  • develop new ways of working
  • find your individual approach to textiles
  • study traditional and foundational textile techniques in print and mixed media 
  • consider sustainability and develop your material awareness
  • create vibrant and unexpected responses to textile challenges, propositions and design problems

Your technical proficiency will be focused on textile print processes with a further layer of:

  • mixed media
  • embroidery
  • construction
  • innovative biomaterial and regenerative material exploration

Discover what it's like to study BA Textiles from our staff and students.

How long it takes to complete this degree programme

This programme is usually studied over 4 years, however, some students may be eligible to enter in the second year and complete the programme in 3 years.

Programme rankings

  • 1st in Scotland for Fashion & Textiles in the Guardian University Guide 2025
  • 3rd in the UK for Fashion & Textiles in the Guardian University Guide 2025

Programme benefits

  • Our community and industry-driven projects will give you insight into current markets and challenges and prepare you for future employment.
  • You will explore technique and material propositions informed by visual and research skills that embed sustainable, considered and ethical approaches throughout your studies.
  • You will develop strong presentation and computer-aided design (CAD) skills. This will ensure your designs are presented competently and with clear intentions.
  • The stunning city of Edinburgh is at the heart of annual international cultural and arts events. You will be inspired both within the studios and workshops of the Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) and by the city itself.
  • You will benefit from talks and workshops with professional practitioners and take part in exhibitions, competitions and live projects that help you prepare for professional practice.
  • Our graduates qualify ready for practice, with the confidence to establish themselves as independent and adaptable designers with a range of transferable skills.

I would wholeheartedly recommend studying at Edinburgh College of Art. My experience has been invaluable in shaping me into the designer I am today.

The tutors and technicians in the textiles department create and nurture an encouraging, inspiring and collaborative environment. The course itself is broad and forward-thinking, teaching established textile techniques alongside future material exploration. There is consistent, personalised support from tutors to develop your design style. They inspire students to follow individual interests which results in the development of strong and personal work throughout the course.

I experienced an incredibly supportive environment in the studio between both year groups and our cohort, where we developed life-long friendships. I felt there was a real focus on preparation for the industry following graduation, with support in building digital and physical assets and professional portfolios.  

Find your entry requirements

Use the dropdowns to find out your entry requirements.

  1. Select the country where you are studying or where you studied your qualification.
  2. Select the qualification you are studying or studied.
United Kingdom,

Tuition fees for BA (Hons) Textiles

View the tuition fees for one academic year of BA (Hons) Textiles.

Additional costs

There are likely to be additional costs for materials, including: 

  • papers
  • sketchbooks
  • drawing and colour media
  • dyestuffs 
  • screen exposure 
  • fibres 
  • materials 
  • printing costs

We encourage economical use of materials and guide you to access our Free-Use Hub at the Edinburgh College of Art, as well as locally available material and resource hubs in Edinburgh. This will vary from year to year. Depending on the project and materials, sponsorship may be provided.

We estimate the following costs for each year of the programme: 

  • Year 1: up to £100 to cover general materials and costs of some workshop materials.
  • Year 2: up to £150 to cover general materials and costs of some workshop materials and facilities.
  • Year 3: up to £200 to cover general materials, project-focused textiles, and costs of some workshop materials.
    • In Year 3, you can apply to be considered for one of four £1,500 Travel Bursaries from the Eduardo Paolozzi Foundation.
  • Year 4: up to £450 (costs vary depending on your projects and areas of focus).
    • We support you to apply for materials sponsorship and to approach material choices sustainably and ethically.
    • You will also create a website or equivalent, a printed design book/folio, and create business cards for use at the Graduate Show and New Designers exhibitions.
    • If you wish to exhibit you should expect to pay between £280 and £350 each for exhibition stand costs, as well as transport and accommodation costs.


In Year 4, you are eligible to be considered for a total of £4,000 of awards from the Dyers Company, London.

Textiles students are also considered for additional monetary awards totalling a further £600 from the Soroptimists Society of Edinburgh for Sustainability and the Incorporation of Dyers and Bonnetmakers of Edinburgh for Design and Colour use.

Additional ECA-wide prizes may also be available to you.

Software access

All students have free access to Adobe Creative Suite during their time at ECA. Our 1st to 4th year courses in textiles involve learning and using aspects of this software.

You will also have free access to industry-standard AVA computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Mac OS software, which supports textile repeat, print and design visualisation.  

Study trip costs

Where possible, we try to guide an optional study trip to London or Paris in Year 3 or Year 4 of your studies.

Costs for this would include: 

  • accommodation
  • travel  
  • food, drink and other everyday costs

Accommodation and living costs

You need to cover your accommodation and living costs for the duration of your programme.

We estimate that a single student can potentially spend a maximum of £920 to £2,257 on living costs each month, depending on your accommodation.

This estimate covers the costs of:

  • accommodation
  • food
  • utility bills
  • travel within Edinburgh
  • health and wellbeing costs

Scholarships and funding

Funding information

You can find detailed information on financial support available, based on where you are living, in our funding section.

What you will study

Throughout your studies, you will undertake a variety of studio-based and context-focused courses and will work closely with specialist textiles and design staff and a range of visiting staff and collaborators.

You will gain a breadth of textile knowledge, ways of working, and approaches to understanding the possible futures and contexts for your ideas and designs.

Sustainable practices, ethical considerations and considered ways of working are embedded throughout the programme. This will bring confidence to all your design decisions.

Throughout your studies, you will undertake a variety of studio-based and context-focused courses and will work closely with specialist staff.

We provide:

  • purpose-built studios to work in
  • first-class technical facilities and workshops
  • a wide range of dynamic learning activities that will offer personal as well as professional development

Design and Screen Cultures

Courses in Design and Screen Cultures are integrated with practical studio work and provide a contextual and theoretical understanding of contemporary design.

Option courses

In Years 1 and 2, you will be able to take option courses from within ECA or from the wider University. This will depend on availability.

Project work

Our collaborative work, community and industry-driven projects will:

  • help you to contextualise your place within current textile practice
  • give you insight into addressing current markets, spaces for design and challenges
  • offer you a rich and stimulating education that prepares you for future employment

Focused briefs will:

  • allow you to explore a wide range of design and making approaches with different creative intentions, developing your own signature design handwriting
  • lead you to become increasingly independent throughout the programme and provide you with valuable research, development and communication skills
  • allow you to consider and apply sustainable options such as biomaterials and bio-based colour as well as industry-standard colour and materials, in response to the changing world of materials

We will introduce you to the key theoretical and practical concepts in textile design, initially through a series of creative drawing, making and research projects.

You will learn about the possible routes and opportunities for textiles and explore techniques and materials to create experimental responses to briefs.

Design and Screen Cultures

In Design and Screen Cultures you will address key histories and theories of design to begin to contextualise your practice.


Textiles projects will incorporate: 

  • research and concept development 
  • design thinking
  • visual exploration
  • materials experimentation 
  • technical skills workshops
  • discussion and reflection

You will begin to get a sense of where the textile discipline sits within the design world. You may participate in collaborations and group work that will help to expand your creative ability. 

Option courses 

You will be able to take up to 40 credits of option courses.

These can be either within ECA or the wider University. Your choices will be subject to availability and discussion with relevant course organisers. 

You will be able to select courses that reflect your interests and enhance your main area of study, in addition to your core Textiles courses.

Find Year 1 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

This year you will cover: 

  • basic principles, theories and working practices in textiles
  • computer-aided design approaches to allow you to explore and present visual information
  • technical instruction and presentation methods
  • the textile and related industries and their challenges and opportunities to address the climate emergency
  • technical focus on print and pattern, through the design and creation of printed textiles and surfaces
  • technical focus on mixed media approaches to surface and 3-D materials

You will gain confidence in your ability as a designer, by developing skills in:

  • drawing and visual studies
  • research
  • design development
  • textiles processes and their application
  • print and repeat
  • mixed media techniques
  • a broad range of materials

You will consider and address environmental issues within contemporary design, the textile industry and contexts. 


Collaborative opportunities and external projects with partners (where appropriate) will help you to develop your specialism and interests within textiles. 

We will increasingly introduce you to: 

  • a widening palette of ways of developing your design process 
  • ways of addressing and communicating your ideas for further design contexts
  • ways of finding routes towards your own personal interpretations of briefs and being able to reflect on your own design journey

Each course within this year contains a small palette of projects, where knowledge, learning and application builds throughout the course.

The courses allow you to explore textiles in a broad manner and to become aware of the issues and opportunities that frame them.

Option courses

Alongside Design and Screen Cultures courses, you will be able to choose option courses, subject to availability.

Find Year 2 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Year 3 is a lively and varied externally-facing year. It combines a focus on contemporary specialist textiles within the discipline with live industry and community-led briefs.

We encourage you to take an increasingly personal response to broader design issues.

Through a series of design briefs, you will develop:

  • responses to current industry, societal and environmental concerns
  • personal research concepts and your own individual creative practice
  • highly creative and innovative responses through the creation of a folio of project work

This will be done through:

  • industry and community-linked projects
  • national and international competitions
  • briefs that reflect the most pertinent issues in design and textiles
  • support from visiting experts

You will take an experimental approach towards developing a range of relevant textile techniques and responses. We place a strong focus on:

  • being driven by the intended context for your design work
  • responding to current design challenges with a personal selection of methods, materials and techniques
  • understanding the textile discipline and its many avenues and possibilities
  • your ability to present and communicate your ideas coherently and professionally

You will:

  • develop approaches towards the resolution, consolidation and presentation of your work
  • build your CV and folio to help secure internships and opportunities within the field of textiles and design
  • be encouraged to take part in appropriate competitions and activities and to work on live external projects
Option courses

Alongside Design and Screen Cultures courses, you can choose option courses from ECA or the wider University.

Study abroad and work placement

In Year 3 you can also apply for single-semester study abroad and work-based placement opportunities.

These offer a chance to broaden your understanding and awareness of the discipline and a prolonged period within a new educational or work context.

Within textiles, we also work closely with long-established and new partner organisations and companies to offer a range of placement suitable placement opportunities during the summer between 3rd and 4th year.

Find Year 3 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

This year is your opportunity to bring together and extend your knowledge, understanding and experience through working towards a final body of work. This work will be driven by a self-developed final project proposal.

Projects are embedded with a clear direction for design context and must respond to and/or reflect upon current design, making or material concerns within textiles.

Creative thinking, risk-taking and highly experimental approaches are encouraged and you will be supported by the teaching and technical team to work at the forefront of the discipline.

Year 4 theoretical work includes a written dissertation as part of the Design and Screen Cultures strand which builds throughout the four years of the programme.

The development of your own body of personal research and interpretation is brought to the forefront.

You will:

  • consolidate and refine your textile practice through the design and production of your final developed project and textile solutions
  • resolve a body of work and be able to communicate this physically and digitally
  • have the opportunity to exhibit your work in the ECA Graduate Show and at New Designers (or equivalent showcase) in London

You can see work submitted by previous graduates on our 2024 Graduate Show page.

BA Textiles Graduate Show 2024

Find Year 4 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Study abroad

You will have the opportunity to apply to study abroad for a single semester in Year 3 at one of our partner universities.

If international travel restrictions allow, you may be able to choose where you study from our selection of international partners.

A study abroad experience will allow you to immerse yourself in a different culture, enrich your learning and enhance your future job opportunities.

Your study abroad options

Our current partner universities for textiles exchanges are prestigious craft and design schools in Japan, Singapore and Canada. Places are competitive and not all applications will be successful.


We support and encourage you to undertake placements during the holiday period between Years 3 and 4.

We have many textile industry contacts and connections. We use these to connect students to relevant placement opportunities in the UK and abroad.

Placement destinations 

Recent placement destinations include: 

  • de Gournay
  • Voyage Maison
  • Timorous Beasties 
  • Amanda Kelly
  • The Colorfield
  • Quiksilver 
  • Michael Kors
  • Karen Mabon
  • Shrimps 
  • Whiston and Wright
  • Isolated Heroes
  • Kalopsia 
  • Owens and Kim
  • Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A)
  • Law Design
  • Pentland group
  • Unique Style Platform

You will also have the option to take credit-bearing, work-based placement courses in Semester 2 of Year 3.

Field trips

Field trips are part of the programme. To support your studies, you will go to:

  • galleries
  • exhibitions
  • archives
  • organisations and businesses

Local study trips are often related to project content and focus. 

We aim to enable an optional 3rd or 4th year study trip to relevant textiles trade shows, such as Premiere Vision in Paris, or relevant textiles design studios.

Teaching and assessment


Teaching and learning in textiles is through involvement in a range of experiential courses and activities within a lively and collaborative studio environment.

Studios and key workshops are located within easy reach of each other to facilitate an easy route between thinking and reflection and making, testing and resolving.

You will explore conceptual, material and technical issues through: 

  • seminars
  • studio-based activities
  • workshops 
  • lectures 
  • tutorials 
  • critiques
  • guest speakers and guest workshops
  • group and individual activities
  • external visits

There is also a great deal of opportunity to engage with:

  • exhibitions
  • competitions
  • collaborations
  • live industry-focused and community activities

Your development is influenced by research and critical thinking, as well as the following contexts that shape creative design practice:

  • visual context
  • intellectual context
  • social context
  • professional context
  • environmental context
  • ethical context

Theoretical elements are also taught through Design and Screen Cultures courses throughout all four years of the programme.


We use continuous formative assessment throughout your study. This helps us give meaningful feedback and encourages experimentation in the studio and beyond. 

Formative assessment for compulsory courses can include: 

  • portfolios of work
  • verbal and visual presentations
  • physical and digital project submissions
  • essays against course learning outcomes

Summative assessment can occur at both the midpoint and at the end of all courses and is informed by your:

  • academic response to coursework
  • attainment against specific learning outcomes
  • creative progress
  • performance throughout

Your final course grades are determined through the summative assessment and a strict moderation process.

In Year 1 textiles, you will usually take a compulsory textiles course for one 20-credit course per semester.

This demands approximately 1.5 days of work and time each week.

You will also take two other courses per semester, which together form a further three days of study each week.

These courses will be made up of a combination of option courses plus a Design & Screen Cultures option.

Support for your studies

ECA’s Student and Academic Support Service (SASS) supports students throughout their studies in all degree programmes at ECA.

You will have a dedicated Student Adviser, based within SASS, who is specially trained to support you during your studies. Your Student Adviser will be your first point of contact for any support, including questions about your studies or your well-being. Your Student Adviser can support you with:

  • personal or wellbeing issues that you are facing, including how to access specialist support
  • queries related to your programme, such as course enrolments, programme transfers and academic progression
  • applying for extensions and special circumstances
  • advice about how to take a break from your studies
  • registering with the Disability and Learning Support Service

If you’re unsure who to ask, you can contact your Student Adviser as a first point of contact.

Support for your studies

Our academic staff

At ECA, you'll join a community of practising professionals working across visual, sensual and material culture, including:

  • designers
  • artists
  • illustrators
  • writers
  • critics
  • curators

The majority of our faculty members in the subject area teach on the programme.

Core staff on the programme include:

You will meet and work with most of them during your studies.

You can explore the ECA People Directory to discover more of the staff you will learn from.

ECA People Directory

Where you will study

Study location

The majority of your teaching, including lectures and seminars, will take place at ECA's Lauriston Campus in the Central Area. Each year, you will be assigned a workspace in our studios.

You will also get to experience lectures and classes across the wider University of Edinburgh campus.

Academic facilities

You will have access to a wide range of spaces, facilities and equipment throughout your studies.

Studio space

The majority of our teaching takes place in our studio at ECA's Lauriston Campus. You will be allocated a workspace in our studio each year.

Specialist workshops

In addition to the studios, you will be taught across a range of specialist workshop environments, which are predominantly located in the ECA Main Building, Hunter Building and our Evolution House building.

Textiles-making facilities include our:

  • textiles print-room for screen printing, dyeing and associated processes 
  • digital textiles suite, which includes CAD embroidery, sublimation and digital printing facilities

Workshops are staffed by specialist technicians and practitioners, who will support and guide your technical development during your studies.

In addition to these facilities, we also have the ECA Store on campus where you can purchase materials for your artistic projects, along with our Free-Use Hub where you can access free recycled materials.

You will also have access to Bookit, where you can access and loan a wide range of digital and technical equipment for free as part of being a student.

Bookit - Equipment loans and studio booking

You can find out more on the ECA website.

Facilities and resources at ECA

Investing in our learning environment

Edinburgh College of Art is excited to be undertaking a capital redevelopment of ECA’s Lauriston Campus over the next three years, from April 2024 to April 2027. ​

The project aims to maximise the use of existing space, improve accessibility, and create a vibrant campus that fosters collaboration and innovation.​

The project involves refurbishing and repurposing various spaces across the Lauriston campus, including technical facilities, student and teaching spaces, and the relocation of the Reid School of Music from Alison House to the Lauriston Campus. New social spaces, seminar rooms, and studios are being created to accommodate our growing community.

You can find more about the project at the below link:

Building work starts at ECA’s Lauriston Campus - Edinburgh College of Art

Virtual tour

You can take a closer look at the Edinburgh College of Art and explore our facilities and campus with our virtual tour.

Take a virtual tour of Edinburgh College of Art

Career paths

Our graduates work in a range of roles across textiles, design and the creative industries, including: 

  • designers 
  • designer-makers 
  • colour, materials and finish (CMF) specialists 
  • colourists 
  • illustrators 
  • trend-predictors 
  • stylists
  • buyers 
  • design consultants 
  • educators
  • researchers

Skills in demand 

Our textiles graduates are highly sought-after for their: 

  • understanding and application of drawing, colour, materials, print, finish and surface
  • ability to adapt to changing demands and address ongoing concerns within textiles, including sustainability and material and manufacture traceability
  • creative approaches to design, innovation in design thinking and their abilities to respond to novel spaces and places for textile use

They work in different contexts, including: 

  • fashion and interiors 
  • architecture 
  • automotive design
  • design studios
  • materials and colour-led research
  • sustainability
  • education

Employers have included: 

  • Alexander McQueen
  • Laura Ashley
  • Innocent
  • Liberty
  • de Gournay
  • Jaguar Land Rover
  • Burberry
  • Ralph and Russo
  • Mini Boden
  • White Stuff
  • Adidas
  • Voyage Maison
  • Timorous Beasties
  • Joules
  • Stella McCartney
  • Stead & McAlpin
  • Christopher Farr

Our graduates 

Our graduates are known for their: 

  • excellent drawing skills and visual exploration and application
  • clear understanding of the requirements of the changing industry and textile landscape
  • innovative and current professional approaches to the discipline with a strong sustainability and ethical understanding at their core


Our graduates have won a range of awards, including: 

  • Creative Conscience Award for Sustainability
  • Hallmark Connection Award
  • Adobe Digital Edge Award 1st Prize
  • New Designer of the Year 2022
  • Romo Award for Print and Innovation
  • The Liberty Fabrics Studio Award,
  • New Designers Epson Textile Visionary Award 
  • The Clothworker's Company Associate Prize 
  • i-dott Cole and Son Ltd Wallpaper 1st Prize 
  • Hand and Lock Prize for Embroidery 1st Prize Student Fashion Category 
  • RSA Student Design Award (sponsored by GSK) 
  • Worshipful Company of Dyers Colour Bursary 
  • Worshipful Company of Bonnetmakers Prize 
  • Marks and Spencer Texprint Fashion Textile Award

Other examples include: 

  • Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust scholarship
  • Craft Scotland Graduate Award 
  • Society of Dyers and Colourists Prize (Scotland) 
  • Edinburgh St James Creative Commerce Award for Textiles

Careers Service

Our Careers Service can help you to fully develop your potential and achieve your future goals.

The Careers Service supports you not only while you are studying at the University, but also for up to two years after you finish your studies.

With the Careers Service, you can:

  • access digital resources to help you understand your skills and strengths
  • try different types of experiences and reflect on how and what you develop
  • get help finding work, including part-time jobs, vacation work, internships and graduate jobs
  • attend careers events and practice interviews
  • get information and advice to help you make informed decisions

Further study

After you complete your programme, you may want to go onto further study at Edinburgh or a different university. You could progress to:

  • a masters degree
  • a postgraduate diploma or certificate
  • a PhD
  • a second undergraduate degree

Find out about options for further study 

Postgraduate degrees you might be interested in could include:

Graduate profiles

Sophie Fields

Degree: BA (Hons) Textiles

Year of graduation: 2019

Current work: Freelance Print Designer

Sutthipa Punyashthiti

Degree: 2019

Year of graduation: 2019

Current work: Founder of Pangjee Design

How to apply

You must submit a full application through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) before the relevant deadline.

What you need to apply

As part of your application, you will need:

  • your academic qualifications
  • a personal statement
  • evidence of your English language skills (with relevant qualifications)
  • a reference


You need to submit a digital portfolio to show your artistic skill and potential. 

The portfolio guidance for 2026 entry will be released in August 2025.

How we select

If you have met, or are predicted to meet, all our entry requirements by the relevant deadline, then your application will go into our selection process.

As part of this selection process, we will review all the information you submit in your UCAS application when we decide who to select for this degree programme.

When to apply

  • 2026 entry UCAS deadline: 14 January 2026 (6:00pm GMT)

This is the deadline for all UK, EU and international applicants to non-medicine and veterinary medicine programmes.

To find out if any degree programmes have spaces after 14 January 2026, search the University of Edinburgh on the UCAS website.

After you apply

After you have applied for your degree programme, we suggest you have a look at the following information to help you prepare for university:

Applying as an international student

As an international student, you apply for this degree programme through UCAS.  

Visas and immigration 

If you do not have the right to live in the UK, you will need to apply for and secure a Student visa before the start date of your degree programme.  

Our Student Immigration Service can help you with the Student visa application process. 


An education agent is someone who can help you with the application process as an international student. 

We work with education agents around the world and have a list of local offices you can contact.  

What our students say

What is it really like to study here? Our students share their experiences on our social media.

You can find out what a day in the life is like for an Edinburgh College of Art Student, from late nights in the library to their favourite walks around the city!

Instagram: Edinburgh College of Art


We guarantee an offer of University accommodation for all new, single undergraduate students from outside Edinburgh. To be eligible, you need to meet all criteria and apply for accommodation by 16 August in the year of your entry to the University.

If you prefer to live elsewhere, we can offer you advice on finding accommodation in Edinburgh.

Societies and clubs

Our societies and sports clubs will help you develop your interests, meet like-minded people, find a new hobby or simply socialise.

The city of Edinburgh

Our vibrant capital is a blend of culture, history, nature and modern city life. A fantastic place to live, it is also the perfect location to study textiles.

Edinburgh’s dynamic cultural scene boasts the largest collection of historic buildings, museums, art galleries and theatres of any city in Scotland.

The University of Edinburgh’s museums and galleries include:

  • the Talbot Rice Gallery
  • Centre for Research Collections
  • St. Cecilia’s Hall: Concert Room and Music Museum

Edinburgh is home to several major annual festivals, each bringing talent from around the world to our streets and stages, making the celebration of diversity an intrinsic part of the city’s culture. These include the:

  • Festival Fringe
  • Film Festival
  • Art Festival
  • Book Festival
  • Jazz & Blues Festival

Some of our students even participate in our annual festivals.

Health and wellbeing support

You will have access to free health and wellbeing services throughout your time at university if you need them.

The support services we offer include:

  • a student counselling service
  • a health centre (doctor's surgery)
  • support if you're living in University accommodation
  • dedicated help and support if you have a disability or need adjustment