About the degree programme

The Edinburgh College of Art Performance Costume Programme is renowned for its holistic approach to costume design and making.

We encourage you to make individual and innovative creative responses, grounded in strong craft practice and practical expertise.

This programme will make sure you are well prepared for a successful career in the stage and screen industries. 

The curriculum also provides you with core costume cut and construction skills and techniques, both historical and contemporary.

Visual and analytics research practice is developed together with:

  • costume making
  • historical pattern cutting
  • puppetry
  • character and text analysis 
  • life drawing 
  • textiles 
  • millinery 
  • set design 
  • model making 
  • computer skills

Through concept, colour, cut and texture, performance costume designers' ideas can respond to:

  • the written and spoken word
  • music
  • movement
  • location
  • historic period

You will learn to become skilled at producing accurate recreations of costumes as well as expressing imaginative flair.

The courses provide an opportunity for a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of costume design for a range of performance media, providing you with excellent training across all relevant art forms, such as:

  • theatre
  • dance
  • opera
  • television
  • film
  • performance art
  • music video
  • installation

The highlight of the academic year is our renowned performance costume shows where students work with professionals and performers to showcase their costumes to the public and industry.

Our graduates are highly sought after due to the flexibility and balance of skills gained, with impressive graduate employment rates and international profile of our alumni's work.

Discover what it's like to study BA Performance Costume from our staff and students.

How long it takes to complete this degree programme

This programme is usually studied over 4 years, however, some students may be eligible to enter in the second year and complete the programme in 3 years.

Programme benefits

  • You will be encouraged to be an innovative, individual and adaptable designer and maker. Our programme is highly respected by the industry, demonstrated by our impressive graduate employment rates and the international profile of alumni work.
  • We have excellent facilities and resources. You will have your own studio space and access to specialist workrooms for pattern cutting, sewing, digital printers, textiles, laser cutters, 3D printers, CAD embroidery machines, casting, wood and metal workshops. 
  • You will engage with academics and industry practitioners from a range of costume backgrounds who will enhance your learning experience with a wide range of skills and perspectives. 
  • We have many links with the film and stage industry. These provide invaluable work experience opportunities while you study, giving you the best chance of employment on graduation.
  • You will benefit from talks and workshops with professional practitioners and take part in exhibitions, competitions and live projects that help you prepare for professional practice.
  • Our graduates qualify ready for industry, with the confidence to establish themselves as independent and adaptable designers with a range of transferable skills.

Studying at Edinburgh College of Art was a transformative journey that has profoundly shaped my career path. The knowledge, skills, and confidence I gained during my time there have equipped me to pursue my passion for costume design with a professional edge. I am immensely grateful for the opportunities and experiences ECA provided, and I highly recommend the Performance Costume programme to anyone looking to immerse themselves in the world of Costume. 

Find your entry requirements

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  1. Select the country where you are studying or where you studied your qualification.
  2. Select the qualification you are studying or studied.
United Kingdom,

Tuition fees for BA (Hons) Performance Costume

View the tuition fees for one academic year of BA (Hons) Performance Costume.

Additional costs

At the beginning of the programme, there are initial investment costs to purchase core tools, which are reused throughout all four years of the programme and beyond.

ECA has an excellent reuse hub on campus for materials which you can use for free, as well as donated fabrics from industries that vary year by year, which can help reduce costs overall. 

We encourage you to plan ahead regarding materials and build long-term personal connections with suppliers, seeking sponsorship and working creatively within their means.

You can further reduce costs by sharing resources amongst your peers where possible. Elective students can access some of the more specialist resources on loan from tutors where applicable.

You can also sell your work after it has been assessed. Items like shoes, corsets and hats are desirable and easily recycled online to then fund your next project.  

Material costs for the programme will vary depending on your creative choices when originating and realizing your designs. However, this breakdown gives an overview of average costs.

Year 1     

  • Art materials:
    • sketchbooks, papers, pencils, watercolours, paints, eraser, charcoal & inks: £20 to £40 
  • Equipment for pattern cutting:
    • fabric scissors and paper scissors, tape measure, grading set square, steel dress pins and tailors chalk: £50 to £60 
  • Sewing kit:
    • hand sewing needles, selection of threads, embroidery scissors or snips: £20  
  • Project materials & fabrics:
    • corset-boning, carbon paper, busk (optional), coutil, calico, face fabric (optional): £25 to £50
    • puppet prop making materials: £10 to £50

Year 2      

  • Art materials:
    • as above plus card for a model box: £20 to £50  
  • Equipment for pattern cutting:
    • as above plus steel metre rule, pattern notcher (optional), tracing wheel, 10m medium-weight calico, Winifred Aldrich Metric PC Book (we have copies of this book in the Library which can be taken out on loan): £50 to £90 
  • Sewing kit:
    • as above 
  • Project materials & fabrics:
    • textiles (swatches, dyes, paints), millinery (felt hood, buckram, millinery wire): £30 to £40

You are also required to make one shirt in Semester 1 and one fully realised costume in Semester 2. You will need to source and buy fabrics for this. You can get these from stock held by us or from external specialist suppliers.

The cost of each costume varies hugely depending on the design choices you make. They can cost between £100 to £250.

Year 3      

  • Art materials:
    • as above  
  • Historical pattern cutting:
    • as above plus 10m medium-weight calico, 2m light-weight calico, 5m ridgeline, 2m narrow cotton tape 2 x lever arch ring binders for patterns: £25 to £30  
  • Sewing/fitting kit:
    • as above plus safety pins, unpicker, thimble, fabric pencil, black sharpie, masking tape, bulldog clips: £20  
  • Project materials & fabrics:
    • textiles (swatches, dyes, paints, digital print sampling): £20 to £50  
  • Design book:
    • printed and bound: £50 to £60  

You will make two costumes in Year 3, one in each semester. The first costume’s requirement is to be made from 80% recycled materials.

The cost of each costume varies hugely depending on the design choices you make. They can cost between £100 to £400.

Year 4        

  • Art materials:
    • as above 
  • Pattern cutting:
    • as above 
  • Sewing/fitting kit:
    • as above 
  • Project materials & fabrics: 
  • Design book:
    • printed and bound: £50 to £70  

You will make two costumes in Year 4, one in each semester.

The cost of each costume varies hugely depending on the design choices you make. They can cost between £100 to £450.

Accommodation and living costs

You need to cover your accommodation and living costs for the duration of your programme.

We estimate that a single student can potentially spend a maximum of £920 to £2,257 on living costs each month, depending on your accommodation.

This estimate covers the costs of:

  • accommodation
  • food
  • utility bills
  • travel within Edinburgh
  • health and wellbeing costs

Scholarships and funding

Funding information

You can find detailed information on financial support available, based on where you are living, in our funding section.

What you will study

Throughout your studies, you will undertake a variety of studio-based and context-focused courses and will work closely with specialist staff.

We provide:

  • purpose-built studios to work in
  • first-class technical facilities and workshops
  • a wide range of dynamic learning activities that will offer personal as well as professional development

Design and Screen Cultures

Courses in Design and Screen Cultures are integrated with practical studio work and provide a contextual and theoretical understanding of contemporary design.

Option courses

In Years 1 and 2, you will be able to take option courses from within ECA or from the wider University. This will depend on availability.

Second year entry

Direct entry to the second year is available and students are fully supported to ensure a smooth transition into the year.

You will be introduced to the fundamentals of design in recap sessions and buddied up with a progressing student to help you settle in.  

You will be introduced to the theoretical and practical aspects of performance costume through a series of design projects. 

You will be introduced to: 

  • designing costumes for text and character 
  • sewing, textiles and construction skills 
  • drawing for character skills, life drawing and illustration

In the Design and Screen Cultures course you will address the key histories and theories of design. 

Option courses 

You will be able to take up to 40 credits of option courses. 

These can be within Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) or across the wider University. Your choices will be subject to availability and discussion with relevant course organisers. 

You will be able to select a range of courses that reflect your interests and enhance your main study.

Find Year 1 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

In Year 2 you will be set a range of design projects covering a variety of performance costume design challenges.

You will:

  • develop a greater understanding of the design process through practical tutorials in pattern cutting and sewing
  • be introduced to set design and model making and a variety of skills workshops
  • make one costume from your design work
  • learn to produce a design book, as a means of editing and showcasing your design work
  • take courses that include life drawing, textiles and computer skills
Option courses

Alongside Design and Screen Cultures courses, you will be able to choose a 20-credit option course. This can be either within ECA or across the wider University, subject to availability.

Find Year 2 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

In Year 3 you will design for two projects and make design books for both. Life drawing, textiles and computer skills are integrated into the projects.

You will: 

  • develop your pattern cutting skills through the study of historical pattern cutting
  • make two costumes from your design work, one of which will be historically-inspired 
  • take a further Design and Screen Cultures course

You will also have the opportunity to take an internship and or study abroad, which will help broaden your understanding of the discipline.

Find Year 3 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

In Year 4 you will:

  • select your own concepts and projects to design for in your final year of study
  • develop confidence in research methods and the expression of ideas through your ability to consider your theoretical and practical work in its context
  • complete a written dissertation
Design and costume work 

You will also:

  • consolidate your practice and research through the production of a final body of design and costume work
  • design for two projects of your choice in consultation with your tutors
  • produce a design book for each project and make two costumes from this personal design work

Typically, at the end of Year 4 you will have the opportunity to take part in our Graduate Show. This is a chance to exhibit your work. You can see work submitted by previous graduates on our 2024 Graduate Show page.

BA Performance Costume Graduate Show 2024

Find Year 4 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Study abroad

You will have the opportunity to study abroad in Year 3 of this degree at one of our partner universities.

If international travel restrictions allow, you may be able to choose where you study from our selection of international partners.

A study abroad experience will allow you to immerse yourself in a different culture, enrich your learning and enhance your future job opportunities.


Throughout your programme, you will have many opportunities for work experience with stage and screen companies in Scotland or further afield.

Example of placements undertaken by performance costume students whilst studying on our programme include: 

  • National Theatre London
  • Citizens Theatre
  • Scottish Opera
  • Royal Opera House
  • Royal Shakespeare Company
  • Birmingham Royal Ballet
  • Disney
  • The Lyceum Theatre
  • Lithuanian National Drama Theatre
  • Netflix

Many of our students collaborate with the film and TV students at ECA and Napier, working as designers and on set on student films.

Field trips

Throughout the programme, there are visits to:

  • the theatre
  • museums
  • exhibitions
  • back-stage

Teaching and assessment


Most design teaching and learning involve experiential courses situated in a studio environment.

Conceptual, material and technical issues are explored through: 

  • seminars 
  • workshops
  • lectures 
  • tutorials 
  • critiques

You will develop research and critical thinking, as well as the following contexts that shape creative design practice:

  • visual
  • intellectual
  • social
  • professional

These elements are taught through Design and Screen Cultures courses and involve participation in: 

  • exhibitions 
  • competitions 
  • collaborations 
  • live industry projects


We use continuous formative assessment throughout your study. This helps give meaningful feedback and encourages experimentation in the studio and beyond. 

Formative assessment for compulsory courses can include: 

  • portfolio 
  • presentations 
  • essays against course learning outcomes

There is a mid-session review, usually at the mid-point of any course you study. 

Summative assessment at the end of all courses is informed by your:

  • academic progress
  • creative progress
  • performance throughout

Your course grades are calculated through this summative assessment plus a moderation process.

This is a sample Year 1 timetable.

Semester 1  
  • Performance Costume 1A - Core studies: One day a week  for 11 weeks
  • Drawing for Character -Core studies: Half a day a week  for 11 weeks
  • Option courses: Up to one day a week
  • Independent study: Additional hours throughout the week on non-teaching days
Semester 2  
  • Performance Costume 1B - Core studies: One and a half days a week for 11 weeks  
  • Design and Screen Cultures: Up to one day a week  
  • Option course: Up to one day a week  
  • Independent study: Additional hours throughout the week on non-teaching days 

Support for your studies

ECA’s Student and Academic Support Service (SASS) supports students throughout their studies in all degree programmes at ECA.

You will have a dedicated Student Adviser, based within SASS, who is specially trained to support you during your studies. Your Student Adviser will be your first point of contact for any support, including questions about your studies or your well-being. Your Student Adviser can support you with:

  • personal or wellbeing issues that you are facing, including how to access specialist support
  • queries related to your programme, such as course enrolments, programme transfers and academic progression
  • applying for extensions and special circumstances
  • advice about how to take a break from your studies
  • registering with the Disability and Learning Support Service

If you’re unsure who to ask, you can contact your Student Adviser as a first point of contact.

Support for your studies

Our academic staff

At ECA, you'll join a community of practising professionals working across visual, sensual and material culture, including:

  • designers
  • artists
  • illustrators
  • writers
  • critics
  • curators

Core staff who teach on the Performance Costume programme include:

You will meet and work with most of them during your studies. You can explore the ECA People Directory to discover more of the staff you will learn from.

ECA People Directory

Where you will study

Study location

The majority of your teaching, including lectures and seminars, will take place at ECA's Lauriston Campus in the Central Area. Each year, you will be assigned a workspace in our studios.

You will also get to experience lectures and classes across the wider University of Edinburgh campus.

Academic facilities

You will have access to a wide range of spaces, facilities and equipment throughout your studies.

Studio space

The majority of our teaching takes place in our studio at ECA's Lauriston Campus. You will be allocated a workspace and locker in our studio each year.

Specialist workshops

In addition to the studios, you will be taught across a range of specialist workshop environments, which are predominantly located in the ECA Main Building, Hunter Building and our Evolution House building.

Workshops and studios you will have access to include:

  • pattern cutting workrooms 
  • laser cutting facilities 
  • 3D printers  
  • digital textile printers 
  • industrial and domestic sewing machines 
  • knitwear and embroidery CAD machinery 
  • computer suites 
  • metal workshop  
  • wood workshop 
  • a range of broader campus and University-wide resources 

Workshops are staffed by specialist technicians and practitioners, who will support and guide your technical development during your studies.

In addition to these facilities, we also have the ECA Store on-campus where you can purchase materials for your artistic projects, along with our Free-Use Hub where you can access free recycled materials.

You will also have access to Bookit, where you can access and loan a wide range of digital and technical equipment for free as part of being a student.

Bookit - Equipment loans and studio booking

You can find out more on the ECA website.

Facilities and resources at ECA

Investing in our learning environment

Edinburgh College of Art is excited to be undertaking a capital redevelopment of ECA’s Lauriston Campus over the next three years, from April 2024 to April 2027. ​

The project aims to maximise the use of existing space, improve accessibility, and create a vibrant campus that fosters collaboration and innovation.​

The project involves refurbishing and repurposing various spaces across the Lauriston campus, including technical facilities, student and teaching spaces, and the relocation of the Reid School of Music from Alison House to the Lauriston Campus. New social spaces, seminar rooms, and studios are being created to accommodate our growing community.

You can find more about the project at the below link:

Building work starts at ECA’s Lauriston Campus - Edinburgh College of Art

Virtual tour

You can take a closer look at the Edinburgh College of Art and explore our facilities and campus with our virtual tour.

Take a virtual tour of Edinburgh College of Art

Career paths

Many of our graduates go on to work in the screen and stage industry in roles such as:

  • costume designers
  • costume makers
  • costume assistants
  • costume supervisors
  • costume illustrators
  • break down artist 
  • milliner 
  • production buyer 
  • head of running wardrobe 
  • costume prop buyer 
  • costume stand-by for film 
  • tailor 
  • fashion designers 
  • fashion Illustrator 
  • stylists 
  • buyers 
  • textile designer  
  • pattern cutter 
  • museum curator 
  • museum conservation 
  • academic researcher or lecturer in costume design and making 
  • couture dressmaker 

The professional skills and abilities developed in the programme will prepare you for a rewarding career path in the creative industries.

Many of our alumni are now successful practitioners. Recent credits include: 

  • Dune
  • The Father 
  • JoJo Rabbit
  • Wheel of Time
  • Shadow and Bones
  • Downton Abbey (both film and TV series)
  • The Crown
  • Game of Thrones 
  • Outlander 
  • Poldark 
  • Peaky Blinders 
  • Scottish Opera 
  • Northern Ballet 
  • Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum in London

Careers Service

Our Careers Service can help you to fully develop your potential and achieve your future goals.

The Careers Service supports you not only while you are studying at the University, but also for up to two years after you finish your studies.

With the Careers Service, you can:

  • access digital resources to help you understand your skills and strengths
  • try different types of experiences and reflect on how and what you develop
  • get help finding work, including part-time jobs, vacation work, internships and graduate jobs
  • attend careers events and practice interviews
  • get information and advice to help you make informed decisions

Further study

After you complete your programme, you may want to go onto further study at Edinburgh or a different university. You could progress to:

  • a masters degree
  • a postgraduate diploma or certificate
  • a PhD
  • a second undergraduate degree

Find out about options for further study 

Postgraduate degrees you might be interested in could include:

Graduate profiles

Anna Robins

Degree: BA (Hons) Performance Costume

Year of graduation: 2005

Current work: Award-winning Costume Designer

Callum Miller

Degree: BA (Hons) Performance Costume

Year of graduation: 2019

Current work: Freelance Costume Designer

How to apply

You must submit a full application through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) before the relevant deadline.

What you need to apply

As part of your application, you will need:

  • your academic qualifications
  • a personal statement
  • evidence of your English language skills (with relevant qualifications)
  • a reference


You need to submit a digital portfolio to show your artistic skill and potential. 

The portfolio guidance for 2026 entry will be released in August 2025.

How we select

If you have met, or are predicted to meet, all our entry requirements by the relevant deadline, then your application will go into our selection process.

As part of this selection process, we will review all the information you submit in your UCAS application when we decide who to select for this degree programme.

When to apply

  • 2026 entry UCAS deadline: 14 January 2026 (6:00pm GMT)

This is the deadline for all UK, EU and international applicants to non-medicine and veterinary medicine programmes.

To find out if any degree programmes have spaces after 14 January 2026, search the University of Edinburgh on the UCAS website.

After you apply

After you have applied for your degree programme, we suggest you have a look at the following information to help you prepare for university:

Applying as an international student

As an international student, you apply for this degree programme through UCAS.  

Visas and immigration 

If you do not have the right to live in the UK, you will need to apply for and secure a Student visa before the start date of your degree programme.  

Our Student Immigration Service can help you with the Student visa application process. 


An education agent is someone who can help you with the application process as an international student. 

We work with education agents around the world and have a list of local offices you can contact.  

What our students say

What is it really like to study here? Our students share their experiences on our social media.

You can find out what a day in the life is like for an Edinburgh College of Art Student, from late nights in the library to their favourite walks around the city!

Instagram: Edinburgh College of Art


We guarantee an offer of University accommodation for all new, single undergraduate students from outside Edinburgh. To be eligible, you need to meet all criteria and apply for accommodation by 16 August in the year of your entry to the University.

If you prefer to live elsewhere, we can offer you advice on finding accommodation in Edinburgh.

Societies and clubs

There are several societies you might be interested in joining as a performance costume student, these include:

  • Edinburgh University Theatre Company (EUTC) at Bedlam Theatre
  • Edinburgh University Shakespeare Company (EUSC)
  • Theatre Paradok 
  • Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group (EUSOG)
  • Edinburgh University Modern Dance Society (EUMDS) 
  • Edinburgh University Swing Dance Society (EUSDS)
  • Edinburgh University New Scotland Dance Society (EUNSCDS)
  • Chinese Dance Society 

Our societies and sports clubs will help you meet like-minded people, find a new hobby or simply socialise.


Sports clubs

The city of Edinburgh

Our vibrant capital is a blend of culture, history, nature and modern city life. A fantastic place to live, it is also the perfect location to study performance costume.

Edinburgh’s dynamic cultural scene boasts the largest collection of historic buildings, museums, art galleries and theatres of any city in Scotland.

The University of Edinburgh’s museums and galleries include:

  • the Talbot Rice Gallery
  • Centre for Research Collections
  • St. Cecilia’s Hall: Concert Room and Music Museum

Edinburgh is home to several major annual festivals, each bringing talent from around the world to our streets and stages, making the celebration of diversity an intrinsic part of the city’s culture. These include the:

  • Festival Fringe
  • Film Festival
  • Art Festival
  • Book Festival
  • Jazz & Blues Festival

Some of our students even participate in our annual festivals.

Health and wellbeing support

You will have access to free health and wellbeing services throughout your time at university if you need them.

The support services we offer include:

  • a student counselling service
  • a health centre (doctor's surgery)
  • support if you're living in University accommodation
  • dedicated help and support if you have a disability or need adjustment