About the degree programme

Throughout MA Landscape Architecture you will develop an understanding of materials and technology, alongside cultural and ecological processes, enabling you to design sustainable environments fit for the locations they inhabit.

Who is this programme for?

If you care deeply about the living planet and the environment, or if you are a creative person with a passion for nature, this programme is for you.

We will help develop your individuality, curiosity and creativity. We aim to produce graduates who can go out into the world and make a positive change through their future careers.

Throughout the programme, you will develop an in-depth understanding of how to read the landscape around you.

You will develop complementary skills that will help you understand how landscapes might be transformed or protected to safeguard their value for future generations.

To make sure you can communicate your ideas to a wide range of people, you will be taught how to apply new skills in:

  • drawing
  • digital media
  • visual culture
  • urban design
  • geography
  • ecology
  • construction
  • horticulture

Learning about key theories that exist within and around the discipline of landscape architecture will help you to think critically about the positioning and implications of your ideas. 

Global challenges

Landscape architects play an essential role in building a sustainable future for our planet.

Many of society’s greatest challenges are embedded in landscapes, including:

  • climate change
  • land degradation
  • biodiversity loss
  • sustainable cities
  • inclusive societies
  • social wellbeing

In response, you will work creatively across a diverse range of environments.

Discover what it's like to study MA Landscape Architecture from our staff and students.

How long it takes to complete this degree programme

Programme pathways

Integrated Pathway

This programme is studied over five years.

The five-year programme is a fully integrated Masters level programme, enabling students to enter at undergraduate level and advance directly to graduate at postgraduate level.

The key benefits to studying a five-year degree programme include:

  • The flexibility to study a range of subjects, outside your chosen degree programme, in Year 1 and Year 2.
  • The integrated pathway allows you to progress automatically to postgraduate study, while fully supporting you during professional placements.
  • You are charged fees at an undergraduate rate for the whole programme.
  • You will benefit from a reduced fee for the year in professional practice.
  • In Year 5, you do not need to attend the final summer semester, which is common to most postgraduate programmes.

Programme rankings

  • 1st in Scotland for Architecture & Built environment in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025
  • In the UK's top 10 universities for Architecture & Built environment in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025

Programme benefits

  • Attracting outstanding students: our students have routinely won the UK Landscape Institute’s annual Portfolio Prize and Dissertation Prize, alongside the European Council for Landscape Architecture Schools Best Student award in 2019, 2021, and 2023. We also won the prestigious title of Best International School at the Rosa Barba International Biennial of Landscape Architecture 2018.
  • Study and work abroad: there is the opportunity to study abroad in your third year through the University's International Exchange Programme, while the fourth year offers further opportunities to work in the UK or abroad during the placement semester. 
  • Develop practical experience: the programme supports a work placement semester that combines distance learning with valuable career experience while allowing students to test potential career paths. 
  • Access to leading researchers and practitioners: draw upon the expertise of leading researchers and practitioners in Landscape Architecture, working alongside experts from allied disciplinary fields, including experts from Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens. 

ECA has a special place in my heart. It gave me the freedom to explore a range of fields, allowing me to develop my own interests into passion projects and career choices. However, the true essence of ECA lies in its community, which both challenged and supported me to grow - a community I am blessed to call my friends. 

Find your entry requirements

Use the dropdowns to find out your entry requirements.

  1. Select the country where you are studying or where you studied your qualification.
  2. Select the qualification you are studying or studied.
United Kingdom,

Tuition fees for MA (Hons) Landscape Architecture with Integrated Studies - 5 Years

View the tuition fees for one academic year of MA (Hons) Landscape Architecture with Integrated Studies - 5 Years.

Additional costs

Related to a range of activity, there are the following additional costs for this programme which you will be told about well in advance.


This includes the range of practical tools required for design studio projects. Advice will be given on how to build a basic tool kit you can use throughout your studies.

The ECA Store stocks a range of art and design materials from specialist suppliers, meaning you have easy access to almost all materials.

Our Free-Use Hub encourages the recycling of materials and equipment.


At various times you will be required to print large scale presentation sheets (A3 to A1 size). Our in-house reprographics service offers a range of printing, photocopying, scanning and related services.


Most students have their own laptops or tablets.

ECA provides access to IT support and a range of specialist IT equipment, which you can book free of charge.

We also offers subsidised or often free licences to many design packages.

Field studies

Most design studios and some theory courses require short term field visits.

These vary from one day to several days, and can be:

  • local to Edinburgh
  • around the UK
  • occasionally abroad

Most field trips are subsidised but you might have to pay additional costs. These costs will vary depending on the duration and destination of the trip.

Study tour

This is a valuable experience in the first year of the programme, embedded into one of the courses in Semester 2 as a compulsory field trip over several days. The study tour is normally in the UK and while it is subsidised, it does require a higher degree of self-funding.


The year-long placement in Year 4 can be undertaken anywhere locally or internationally, meaning the costs of travelling and accommodation vary depending on where you go.

However, the majority of placements come with paid contracts, meaning it is an opportunity to earn money during this period.

Financial guidance and support

Accommodation and living costs

You need to cover your accommodation and living costs for the duration of your programme.

We estimate that a single student can potentially spend a maximum of £920 to £2,257 on living costs each month, depending on your accommodation.

This estimate covers the costs of:

  • accommodation
  • food
  • utility bills
  • travel within Edinburgh
  • health and wellbeing costs

Scholarships and funding

Funding information

You can find detailed information on financial support available, based on where you are living, in our funding section.

What you will study

Over the course of the degree, you will develop an in-depth understanding of how to read the landscape around you.

You will develop a set of complementary skills that will help you to understand how landscapes might be transformed or protected to safeguard their value for future generations.

So that your ideas become communicable with a wide range of other people, you will be taughthow to apply new skills in:

  • drawing
  • digital media
  • visual culture
  • urban design
  • ecology
  • construction
  • horticulture

Learning about key theories that exist within and around the discipline of landscape architecture will help you to think critically about the positioning and implications of your own ideas.

Thematic design courses

You will take our two thematic design courses:

  • Design: Context & Grounding
  • Design: Site & Process

You will immediately begin to explore spatial design ideas, with a focus on the processes of site-based exploration and conceptual design.

These courses will allow you to understand and work with fundamental design principles. They will also support the development of your technical and digital drawing skills.

Environmental and material practices

The Environmental Practices and Material Practices courses encourage you to experiment with forms of representation.

These courses also help you develop your curiosity about processes that shape the natural and built environment.

Theory-based courses

You will take complementary theory-based courses such as:

  • Landscape Theories: Critical Zones
  • Landscape Theories: Histories

These courses will introduce you to a range of exciting ideas that have shaped our appreciation of environmental dynamics and cultural landscapes.

Find Year 1 courses

Design work becomes more focused and complex in Year 2. You will take two thematic design studio courses:

  • Design: Terrain & Ecologies
  • Design: City & Habitation

You will explore key sustainability issues of climate and biodiversity action, followed by urbanisation and social space.

At planning and site-based scales, studio work covers technical aspects of material specification and construction detailing, alongside applied ecological science.

Semester 1

You will have the opportunity to take an option course from a range offered by the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA). You can also choose courses from other disciplines across the University.

Semester 2

The Landscape Theories: Communities course will allow you to combine your interests into socio-ecological processes with your design studio work.

Find Year 2 courses

In Year 3, the complexity of you design work will increase. You will focus on tackling large-scale sites with challenging conditions.

  • Design: Practices of Reclamation will introduce you to the challenges of working with post-industrial sites.
  • Design: Practices of Speculation explores priorities for future landscapes.

These design courses extends the skills you gain in Years 1 and 2 to an advanced level of project thinking and practical configuration.

Semester 1

You will have the opportunity to take a further option course at an advanced academic level. This gives you the opportunity to explore alternative subjects in ECA or across the University.

Semester 2

The Landscape Theories: Resilience course will allow you to further develop personal interests in contemporary landscape theory. It features an emphasis on socio-ecological resilience.

Find Year 3 courses

In Year 4 you will take part in a professional placement.

Additionally, you will take courses linked to the Landscape Institute's professional competency framework. This will help you understand the professional requirements and professional development expected of a practising landscape architect.

These courses provide some flexibility that will allow you to complete a range of micro projects while still meeting the demands of a professional placement.

Find Year 4 courses

In Year 5 your design work will be advanced.

You will take the courses Landscape Architecture Design Explorations: Part 1 and Part 2, which frame a year-long strategic project.

You will be able to select from thematic studio courses, while working alongside students on our postgraduate Landscape Architecture programme.

These studios will work through stages and scales of strategic design, allowing you to develop projects with a high degree of critical and creative depth.

The Landscape Theories: Practice course will allow you to critically explore an area of contemporary design theory. This will be related to either the work of our design studios or an area personal interest.

Work from all years of the programme will feed into the Landscape Theories: Portfolio course. This course will support you in preparing a professionally-aligned portfolio for entering the profession.

Find Year 5 courses

Study abroad

We currently offer exchange opportunities with renowned landscape architecture institutions in mainland Europe and Australia, as well as a route to study on the unique European Masters in Landscape Architecture programme.

There are several opportunities to study abroad offered through the programme, including:

  • exchange opportunities in Semester 1 of Year 3
  • the possibility to arrange a work placement in Europe or the rest of the world in Year 4

We encourage all students interested in taking up these opportunities to do so. Most often succeed in gaining these valuable experiences.

What are my options for going abroad?


Our programme offers a period of work placement in Year 4 that allows you to:

  • experience professional life
  • form connections with professional practices
  • test potential career paths

You will have the opportunity to take up work placements worldwide.

Field trips

Most design studios and some theory courses require short-term field visits. These vary from one day to several days, while sometimes being local to Edinburgh, around the UK, or occasionally abroad.

Fieldwork is a key aspect of being a landscape architect. Each site visit will introduce you to processes of:

  • landscape interpretation
  • evaluation
  • creative responses to the various sites

At Edinburgh, we place great emphasis on helping you develop a high level of sensitivity to real-world contexts based on your reading of site-specific qualities.

The scale of sites may vary from small enclosed spaces to areas of urban space, up to regional and national level planning studies.

You will learn how to work through relevant scales to understand how any particular site is part of broader scales of interconnected landscapes.

Teaching and assessment


Our programme is designed around student centred learning, where you will develop practical and theoretical knowledge and skills through a range of learning experiences.

You will also have a strong degree of freedom to allow your personal interests to emerge in a supportive structure.

All courses will involve group and individual tutorials to help support your learning journey.

Teaching will include a mix of core academic staff, alongside staff from industry or specialist input from staff from the Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens, relevant to the aims of each course. 

Strands of learning on the programme include:

  • design
  • theory
  • portfolio work
  • option courses

Our programme places significant emphasis on the design studio as the place where ideas, techniques and skills are:

  • synthesised
  • discussed
  • developed

Design courses are practice-based and assessed against the development of individual project work. This helps you refine you work for the Year 4 professional placement and for entering the workplace after graduation.

Collaboration is encouraged at the early stages of most design courses, allowing you to develop skills in teamwork, before developing your individual proposal.

Digital literacy is supported within the design strand of courses, enabling you to gain experience with various digital packages and how they are used within the design process.


Our theory course strand allows you to develop areas of personal interest.

The course promotes landscape architecture as an expanded field that incorporates dimensions of :

  • social concerns
  • ecological concerns
  • technological concerns
  • material concerns

All theory courses respond to the design courses running in parallel, allowing your to combine knowledge and ideas with practice-based work.

While the theory strand helps you to develop skills in writing and communication, theorising involves other types of visual and spatial language. We encourage you to view theory as applied thinking.


The portfolio strand begins in Year 3.

It is designed to help you prepare for your placement year, where you will further explore the role of the portfolio as a way to communicate personal ideas and practice-based work.

At the end of the five-year programme we will ask you to synthesise a range of work from across the programme into a flexible set of portfolio elements that present your individual design personality.

Option studies

We have designed the programme to allow a range of option studies, including:

  • the chance to take option courses in other subject areas in Years 2 and 3
  • thematic design studios offering a range of project options


Each course will have a set of learning outcomes that set out the criteria by which you are assessed. These criteria are mapped to professional competencies, making your academic work relevant to professional practice.

During your time on the programme you will encounter a wide range of assignments, including:

  • design projects
  • essays
  • written reports
  • presentations

The method of assessment used is appropriate to the aims of the course and its stated learning outcomes, Your performance will be assessed against sets of course-level learning outcomes.

You will receive detailed feedback for each formal submission. This includes mid-course formative feedback to ensure that you are developing work in line with course aims and learning outcomes. Guided peer-based evaluation is also encouraged.

All assessments follow rigorous procedures. The programme is evaluated by an external examiner. Our Landscape Institute Professional Review Group undertake an annual review to ensure our programme meets professional standards.

Semester 1 
  • Environmental Practices

Focused on lectures and practice-based exercises, this course introduces you to a range of theories and practices concerned with interpreting the environment as a dynamic context.

You will respond to weekly themes, from which you undertake a series of site-related investigations. You will test a range of observational and representational techniques.  

  • Design: Context & Grounding

This course involves directed studio work and fieldwork, including specialist workshops in technical and digital drawing skills.

You will develop a fundamental understanding of landscape architectural design practice through the development of informed and creative design proposals for a small-scale site within or close to Edinburgh. 

  • Self-directed studies 
  • Landscape Theories: Critical Zones

Lectures, field trips and practice-based exercises cover aspects of physical geography that are relevant to landscape architects. You will be introduced to the processes underlying the physical development of landscapes. 

  • Design: Context & Grounding
Semester 2 
  • Material Practices

Focused on lectures and practice-based exercises, this course acts as an introduction to material practices.

It asks you to:

  • examine these areas of practice
  • understand how they are used
  • apply this knowledge in the design process

The course will focus on:

  • the potential of an existing site
  • the use of both hard and soft (planting) materials
  • topography
  • landform manipulation
  • contour design
  • Design: Site & Process

Through directed studio and fieldwork, including specialist workshops in technical and digital drawing skills, this course builds on the previous semester’s design studio.

It aims to familiarise you with the foundational skills and understandings of landscape architectural design. You will be introduced to key theories, principles and methodologies of landscape architectural practice.  

  • Self-directed studies  
  • Landscape Theories: Histories

Involving lectures and field trips to historical sites, this course offers a broad overview of the history of landscape.

It focuses on European landscape history situated within a global context.

You will gain an understanding of the relevance of historical movements and their influence on the development of contemporary landscape theory and practice. 

  • Design: Site & Process

Support for your studies

ECA’s Student and Academic Support Service (SASS) supports students throughout their studies in all degree programmes at ECA.

You will have a dedicated Student Adviser, based within SASS, who is specially trained to support you during your studies. Your Student Adviser will be your first point of contact for any support, including questions about your studies or your well-being. Your Student Adviser can support you with:

  • personal or wellbeing issues that you are facing, including how to access specialist support
  • queries related to your programme, such as course enrolments, programme transfers and academic progression
  • applying for extensions and special circumstances
  • advice about how to take a break from your studies
  • registering with the Disability and Learning Support Service

If you’re unsure who to ask, you can contact your Student Adviser as a first point of contact.

Support for your studies

Our academic staff

Teaching is supported by a broad range of highly experienced staff, alongside expert input from the Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens.

Teaching team

The programme is delivered by a range of highly experienced staff, who are leading researchers and practitioners in landscape architecture.

Working alongside academic staff, all our design courses have external tutors from the industry, providing valuable insights and connections with professional practice.

We enjoy regular talks from guest speakers in our dedicated lecture series and industry talk series, offering insights from established figures in professional practice.

Some courses involve teaching from experts at the Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens, alongside course tutors from a range of disciplinary fields from the environmental sciences.

You can learn more about the staff who will teach you on ECA's people directory.

ECA - People Directory

Where you will study

Study location

Teaching takes place in the Edinburgh College of Art buildings, facilities and resources at Lauriston Place within the University's Central Area campus.

You will be taught in spaces within ECA and across the University's Central Area, including:

  • studios
  • lecture theatres
  • seminar rooms

Academic facilities

Our programme is located in dedicated design studios where students from all years of the programme form a tight-knit community. This is reflected in our lively studio culture and highly active student society.

You can take advantage of a broad range of workshop facilities, covering material and digital fabrication.

You will also have access to a wide range of library resources across the campus and online. These resources provide significant support for your learning on both practice and theory-based courses.

You can find out more on the ECA website. 

Facilities and resources at ECA

In addition to these facilities, we also have the ECA Store on-campus where you can purchase materials for your artistic projects, along with our Free-Use Hub where you can access free recycled materials.

You will also have access to Bookit, where you can access and loan a wide range of digital and technical equipment for free as part of being a student.

Bookit - Equipment loans and studio booking

Investing in our learning environment

Edinburgh College of Art is excited to be undertaking a capital redevelopment of ECA’s Lauriston Campus over the next three years, from April 2024 to April 2027.

The project aims to maximise the use of existing space, improve accessibility, and create a vibrant campus that fosters collaboration and innovation.​

The project involves refurbishing and repurposing various spaces across the Lauriston campus, including technical facilities, student and teaching spaces, and the relocation of the Reid School of Music from Alison House to the Lauriston Campus. New social spaces, seminar rooms, and studios are being created to accommodate our growing community.

You can find more about the project at the below link:

Building work starts at ECA’s Lauriston Campus - Edinburgh College of Art

Virtual tour

You can take a closer look at the Edinburgh College of Art and explore our facilities and campus with our virtual tour.

Take a virtual tour of Edinburgh College of Art


Our MA Landscape Architecture programme has full accreditation from the UK Landscape Institute.

As a graduate landscape architect, you’ll be eligible to join the Landscape Institute as an associate member and to proceed on the pathway to become a chartered member

This means the skills and knowledge you will acquire during your studies are aligned with the requirements of the chartered body for the landscape profession in the UK.

This accreditation is recognised internationally, allowing many of our students to work in the UK, Europe or further abroad. Many students find employment in exciting design offices directly after graduation.

Career paths

At Edinburgh we have established an international reputation for developing students of the highest calibre, making them highly employable within a vibrant profession.

The HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey 2022 indicates that our graduates have 100% employability in highly skilled jobs, reflecting the quality of our graduates entering what is a vibrant and growing market.

Landscape architecture is a globally established profession, offering the potential for our graduates to find work across the world. Numerous landscape architecture practices can be found in any major city, meaning our you will have great scope in finding employment in your region of choice.

A professional career in landscape architecture encompasses an exciting range of options, from working for:

  • design offices
  • local authorities
  • environmental agencies

When you graduate, you will have the transferable skills that will allow you to diversify your career path across a range of related disciplines.

Careers Service

Our Careers Service can help you to fully develop your potential and achieve your future goals.

The Careers Service supports you not only while you are studying at the University, but also for up to two years after you finish your studies.

With the Careers Service, you can:

  • access digital resources to help you understand your skills and strengths
  • try different types of experiences and reflect on how and what you develop
  • get help finding work, including part-time jobs, vacation work, internships and graduate jobs
  • attend careers events and practice interviews
  • get information and advice to help you make informed decisions

Further study

After you complete your programme, you may want to go onto further study at Edinburgh or a different university. You could progress to:

  • a masters degree
  • a postgraduate diploma or certificate
  • a PhD
  • a second undergraduate degree

Find out about options for further study 

Postgraduate degrees you might be interested in could include:

How to apply

You must submit a full application through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) before the relevant deadline.

What you need to apply

As part of your application, you will need:

  • your academic qualifications
  • a personal statement
  • evidence of your English language skills (with relevant qualifications)
  • a reference

How we select

If you have met, or are predicted to meet, all our entry requirements by the relevant deadline, then your application will go into our selection process.

As part of this selection process, we will review all the information you submit in your UCAS application when we decide who to select for this degree programme.

When to apply

  • 2026 entry UCAS deadline: 14 January 2026 (6:00pm GMT)

This is the deadline for all UK, EU and international applicants to non-medicine and veterinary medicine programmes.

To find out if any degree programmes have spaces after 14 January 2026, search the University of Edinburgh on the UCAS website.

After you apply

After you have applied for your degree programme, we suggest you have a look at the following information to help you prepare for university:

Applying as an international student

As an international student, you apply for this degree programme through UCAS.  

Visas and immigration 

If you do not have the right to live in the UK, you will need to apply for and secure a Student visa before the start date of your degree programme.  

Our Student Immigration Service can help you with the Student visa application process. 


An education agent is someone who can help you with the application process as an international student. 

We work with education agents around the world and have a list of local offices you can contact.  

What our students say

What is it really like to study here? Our students share their experiences on our social media.

You can find out what a day in the life is like for an Edinburgh College of Art Student, from late nights in the library to their favourite walks around the city!

Instagram: Edinburgh College of Art


We guarantee an offer of University accommodation for all new, single undergraduate students from outside Edinburgh. To be eligible, you need to meet all criteria and apply for accommodation by 16 August in the year of your entry to the University.

If you prefer to live elsewhere, we can offer you advice on finding accommodation in Edinburgh.

Societies and clubs

Our societies and sports clubs will help you meet like-minded people, find a new hobby or simply socialise.


Sports clubs

As a student within ESALA (Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture), you are invited to join two societies during your studies:

  • ESALA Climate Action
  • Landscape Society

ESALA Climate Action

ESALA Climate Action is a staff and student group aiming to tackle the climate emergency in the School’s teaching and learning, research, and community practices.

The group hosts and promotes a programme of events, debates and workshops in each academic session. The programme is committed to augmenting the initiatives and ethos promoted by ESALA Climate Action in response to three main themes:

  • Carbon: Reduce the School’s carbon footprint by promoting energy-efficient practices both on campus and in our teaching and research.
  • Resources: Increase awareness of the social and ecological cost of materials by promoting reuse, repurposing and rehabilitation strategies to reduce waste.
  • Society: Raise climate change literacy and decolonise the School’s curriculum to promote environmental justice and diversity.

ESALA Climate Action

Landscape Society

Landscape Society is the society of students of Landscape Architecture at the University of Edinburgh.

The society is open to all students of landscape architecture studying our undergraduate or postgraduate programmes.

This highly active society provides an exciting range of social and learning events while offering a platform to link with current students and alumni.  

Landscape Society

The city of Edinburgh

Our vibrant capital is a blend of culture, history, nature and modern city life. A fantastic place to live, it is also the perfect location to study landscape architecture.

Edinburgh’s dynamic cultural scene boasts the largest collection of historic buildings, museums, art galleries and theatres of any city in Scotland.

The University of Edinburgh’s museums and galleries include:

  • the Talbot Rice Gallery
  • Centre for Research Collections
  • St. Cecilia’s Hall: Concert Room and Music Museum

Edinburgh is home to several major annual festivals, each bringing talent from around the world to our streets and stages, making the celebration of diversity an intrinsic part of the city’s culture. These include the:

  • Festival Fringe
  • Film Festival
  • Art Festival
  • Book Festival
  • Jazz & Blues Festival

Some of our students even participate in our annual festivals.

Health and wellbeing support

You will have access to free health and wellbeing services throughout your time at university if you need them.

The support services we offer include:

  • a student counselling service
  • a health centre (doctor's surgery)
  • support if you're living in University accommodation
  • dedicated help and support if you have a disability or need adjustment