This programme provides you with the opportunity to explore health, illness and the provision of care through the lens of the social sciences. It combines the study of the social complexities of health, its impact, and approaches to treatment through the following perspectives:
- sociology
- psychology
- geography
- counselling
- ethics
- healthcare provision, public health and nursing studies
We live in a global age of increasing life expectancy, but chronic health conditions are rising and infectious disease is showing no signs of disappearing.
The programme aims to:
- give you practical and academic skills to help you make a positive difference in the world
- expand your understanding of the social dimensions of health and illness
- prepare you to contribute to improving people’s lives
Drawing on a range of disciplinary perspectives, you will address three broad themes:
- societies and communities
- individuals, personhood and experience
- healthcare, social care and professional development
You will explore this important area of study across diverse social contexts, and apply your learning to real-world situations.
You will also study culture and language and how these areas influence people's experience of health and illness.
Essential to your learning is:
- the concept of care and its delivery
- understanding the critical role that individuals, communities and policy-makers have on health outcomes
You will also study other disciplines to help you examine how individuals, communities and cultures make sense of health experiences including:
- marketing
- counselling
- health promotion
- cultural studies
The third strand of the programme examines health and social care provision.
We also provide training in professional skills such as active listening and leadership development.
We welcome anyone with an interest in health, wellbeing and society.