About the degree programme

Philosophers and scientists have speculated about the nature of the human mind and how language affects it.

Recent developments offer new ways to understand the human mind, across fields such as:

  • robotics
  • brain imaging
  • speech technology

Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary attempt to understand the human mind. It focuses on abilities such as:

  • reasoning
  • perception
  • memory
  • awareness
  • emotion
  • attention
  • judgement
  • motor control
  • language use

Cognitive science brings together and forms connections between these abilities, through methods such as:

  • computer modelling
  • linguistic analysis
  • philosophical reasoning
  • robotics
  • neuroimaging
  • psychological experiments

It brings together scholars from:

  • linguistics
  • psychology
  • philosophy
  • neuroscience
  • computer science

Cognitive Science at the University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh played a key role in founding this discipline by forming connections between the disciplines that contribute to the study of human cognition. 

You will learn from researchers who both laid the foundations, and are still making key advances in the field. The programme content is regularly reviewed to make sure you learn about current developments. 

Our Cognitive Science (Humanities) programme offers an opportunity to complete a selection of basic courses covering material in:

  • linguistics
  • philosophy
  • psychology
  • computer science

Our goal is to help you achieve a broad understanding of issues, such as the:

  • relationship between language and thought
  • relationship between mind and brain
  • philosophical implications of our ability to look inside the brain and to model its activities in computers and robots

How long it takes to complete this degree programme

This programme is studied over 4 years.

A key benefit to studying a 4-year degree programme is that you have the flexibility to study a range of subjects, outside your chosen degree programme, in Year 1 and Year 2.

This allows you the opportunity to study other courses that interest you or enhance your degree. By the end of Year 2, you can decide which of these subject areas you want to focus on in the honours years of your programme.

Programme benefits

  • The University of Edinburgh helped to create the field of cognitive science and is still at the forefront of it.
  • You will learn not only from researchers who laid the foundations of the subject,but also from researchers who are still making key advances.
  • Edinburgh is one of the largest centres in Europe for the study of human cognition and the only university in Scotland to offer Cognitive Science at undergraduate degree level.

The MA Cognitive Science degree at Edinburgh is one of a kind. Attempting to understand things like cognition, the relation between mind and body, how language works and just generally, what it means to be human, are the things I want to know more about. Taking courses in Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology and Informatics and seeing how they intertwine and link is what I’ve enjoyed the most while studying Cognitive Science. This interdisciplinary approach has helped me explore my interests and helped me develop a better sense of what specific career I would like to pursue in the future.

Find your entry requirements

Use the dropdowns to find out your entry requirements.

  1. Select the country where you are studying or where you studied your qualification.
  2. Select the qualification you are studying or studied.
United Kingdom,

Tuition fees for MA (Hons) Cognitive Science (Humanities)

View the tuition fees for one academic year of MA (Hons) Cognitive Science (Humanities).

Accommodation and living costs

You need to cover your accommodation and living costs for the duration of your programme.

We estimate that a single student can potentially spend a maximum of £920 to £2,257 on living costs each month, depending on your accommodation.

This estimate covers the costs of:

  • accommodation
  • food
  • utility bills
  • travel within Edinburgh
  • health and wellbeing costs

Scholarships and funding

Funding information

You can find detailed information on financial support available, based on where you are living, in our funding section.

What you will study

Two cognitive science courses

You will take at least one general cognitive science course that gives an overview of: 

  • perception
  • memory
  • motor control
  • language
  • reasoning

You will also explore methods that include experimental, neural and computational approaches. 

Courses will cover logic to help understand the role of reasoning and deduction in the mind. 

You will also cover the structure of language to help understand its complexity.

Overall, you will get a background in philosophy including topics such as its history and central concepts of morality and value.

Extra course

Lastly, you will choose another course from across the interconnected disciplines of: 

  • psychology
  • philosophy
  • linguistics
  • informatics
Find Year 1 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

You will choose more specific courses in the sub-disciplines such as:

  • Knowledge and Reality (Philosophy)
  • Cross-linguistic Variation: Limits and Theories (Linguistics)

You will also take Year 2 courses from Psychology and Language Sciences.

Find Year 2 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

In Year 3, you can choose from informatics topics, including:

  • language processing
  • neural computation
  • robotics and vision
  • computational modelling

You can also choose linguistics courses, including:

  • language evolution
  • language acquisition
  • speech processing

You have the option to take philosophy courses, such as:

  • ontology of mind
  • theories of mind
  • theories of truth
  • ethics

You can also choose psychology courses, such as:

  • memory and perception
  • attention
  • development
Find Year 3 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

You will continue to choose from a variety of more advanced courses, as in Year 3. 

You will also complete an individual research project.

Find Year 4 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Study abroad

You will have the opportunity to study abroad in Year 3 of this degree at one of our partner universities.

If international travel restrictions allow, you may be able to choose where you study from our selection of international partners.

A study abroad experience will allow you to immerse yourself in a different culture, enrich your learning and enhance your future job opportunities.

Teaching and assessment


Courses are taught through a combination of:

  • lectures
  • tutorials
  • laboratory classes
  • small-group project work

In Year 4, you will complete individual project work.


You will be assessed by exams and coursework.

Support for your studies

You will have access to a range of support services if you need them throughout your degree.

We will assign you to a student adviser, and this should be the first person to contact if you need help. They can guide you to other University service teams depending on what support you need.

Where you will study

Study location

You will be taught in the University's Central Area.

Academic facilities

In our Psychology and Linguistics departments, you will have full access to the:

  • libraries
  • computer facilities
  • specialised laboratories

You will have access to state-of-the-art research facilities including:

  • electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • non-invasive brain stimulation
  • eye and motion tracking equipment

You will also have access to a dedicated psychology and philosophy library and other facilities available across our campuses.

Virtual tour

You can take a closer look at the University’s Central Area and explore our facilities on the Virtual Visit site. 

Take a virtual tour of the Central Area

Career paths

On graduating, you will have excellent employment prospects in fields that will shape our society, such as:

  • economics
  • entertainment
  • technology
  • mobile systems
  • manufacturing and health

Graduates also have the skills needed for humanities-related areas, such as:

  • the civil service
  • marketing and communications
  • management
  • finance
  • journalism
  • social work
  • teaching

Careers Service

Our Careers Service can help you to fully develop your potential and achieve your future goals.

The Careers Service supports you not only while you are studying at the University, but also for up to two years after you finish your studies.

With the Careers Service, you can:

  • access digital resources to help you understand your skills and strengths
  • try different types of experiences and reflect on how and what you develop
  • get help finding work, including part-time jobs, vacation work, internships and graduate jobs
  • attend careers events and practice interviews
  • get information and advice to help you make informed decisions

Further study

After you complete your programme, you may want to go onto further study at Edinburgh or a different university. You could progress to:

  • a masters degree
  • a postgraduate diploma or certificate
  • a PhD
  • a second undergraduate degree

How to apply

You must submit a full application through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) before the relevant deadline.

What you need to apply

As part of your application, you will need:

  • your academic qualifications
  • a personal statement
  • evidence of your English language skills (with relevant qualifications)
  • a reference

How we select

If you have met, or are predicted to meet, all our entry requirements by the relevant deadline, then your application will go into our selection process.

As part of this selection process, we will review all the information you submit in your UCAS application when we decide who to select for this degree programme.

When to apply

  • 2026 entry UCAS deadline: 14 January 2026 (6:00pm GMT)

This is the deadline for all UK, EU and international applicants to non-medicine and veterinary medicine programmes.

To find out if any degree programmes have spaces after 14 January 2026, search the University of Edinburgh on the UCAS website.

After you apply

After you have applied for your degree programme, we suggest you have a look at the following information to help you prepare for university:

Applying as an international student

As an international student, you apply for this degree programme through UCAS.  

Visas and immigration 

If you do not have the right to live in the UK, you will need to apply for and secure a Student visa before the start date of your degree programme.  

Our Student Immigration Service can help you with the Student visa application process. 


An education agent is someone who can help you with the application process as an international student. 

We work with education agents around the world and have a list of local offices you can contact.  


We guarantee an offer of University accommodation for all new, single undergraduate students from outside Edinburgh. To be eligible, you need to meet all criteria and apply for accommodation by 16 August in the year of your entry to the University.

If you prefer to live elsewhere, we can offer you advice on finding accommodation in Edinburgh.

Societies and clubs

Our societies and sports clubs will help you develop your interests, meet like-minded people, find a new hobby or simply socialise.

The city of Edinburgh

Scotland's inspiring capital will form the background to your studies — a city with an irresistible blend of history, natural beauty and modern city life.

Health and wellbeing support

You will have access to free health and wellbeing services throughout your time at university if you need them.

The support services we offer include:

  • a student counselling service
  • a health centre (doctor's surgery)
  • support if you're living in University accommodation
  • dedicated help and support if you have a disability or need adjustment