About the degree programme

The Bachelor of Nursing (BN) with honours programme reflects global, UK and Scottish perspectives of healthcare. This highly regarded programme allows you to work closely with academic staff who are engaged in international nursing leadership, research and practice.

The programme combines theoretical and clinical skills learning within the University with practice learning experiences. The equal weighting of theory and practice is a defining feature of this degree structure and is required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

Throughout the programme, you will engage in practice learning and experience placement time in a range of community and inpatient settings.

Within the hospital setting, you will engage with varied learning environments. This can include:

  • admission to hospital
  • emergency care
  • critical care
  • rehabilitation
  • surgical and medical wards or services

As you develop, you will also enjoy time attached to specialist services such as research teams, advanced practitioners, education team and hospital outreach services.

Nursing and Midwifery Council education standards 

This programme adheres to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) education standards. These standards are designed to embrace the range of nursing practice, and will help prepare you for the dynamic healthcare environment of the present.

The Bachelor of Nursing with honours degree prepares you for the evolving healthcare landscape. You will gain key skills in: 

  • critical thinking
  • teamwork and leadership
  • the ability to innovate and adapt
  • clinical skills and proficiency

Upon graduation, and meeting the necessary requirements, you will be eligible for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as an adult nurse.

How long it takes to complete this degree programme

This programme is studied over 4 years and includes placements throughout an extended academic year.

A key benefit to studying a 4-year degree programme is that you have the flexibility to study a range of subjects outside your chosen degree programme in Year 1. This is quite unique when studying Nursing.

Programme rankings

  • 1st in General Nursing in the Guardian Best UK Universities 2024 ranking
  • 3rd in Nursing and Midwifery in the Complete University Guide 2025

Programme benefits

  • Nursing is an integral part of the University of Edinburgh. You join a vibrant community of more than 40,000 students and have the opportunity to be a part of student societies, arts and sports - a true university experience.
  • You will take part in a range of innovative clinical simulation experiences and have the opportunity to learn interprofessionally alongside medical students.
  • You will have the option to embark on a four-week clinical elective placement in the UK or abroad. This experience will allow you to either explore global perspectives or develop your understanding of diverse nursing practices in the UK.
  • Personalise your learning with the choice of an outside subject in Year 1, and follow your particular interests in different care contexts or approaches through honours options in Years 3 and 4. 
  • Student support both at the University and in clinical placement is our priority. You benefit from a named Student Adviser and a number of specialist health and wellbeing services.
  • You will benefit from being in a research intensive University where you are taught by staff who are engaged with the contemporary issues in nursing through research and practice.

My University of Edinburgh degree has set me up for life! I have been a surgical staff nurse, an A&E nurse, a sexual health nurse, practice nurse and now I’m an Advanced Nurse Practitioner. I couldn’t imagine a more challenging, varied, exciting career.

Find your entry requirements

Use the dropdowns to find out your entry requirements.

  1. Select the country where you are studying or where you studied your qualification.
  2. Select the qualification you are studying or studied.
United Kingdom,

Tuition fees for BN (Hons) Nursing

View the tuition fees for one academic year of BN (Hons) Nursing.

Additional costs

If you are eligible for a SAAS bursary, you should be able to reclaim travel expenses incurred during clinical placements. Those who are ineligible will have to pay travel and accommodation costs related to clinical placement. 

In Year 3, there is usually an opportunity to undertake a single semester exchange with La Trobe University, Australia. Exchange students may be responsible for additional costs such as: 

  • visa costs
  • immunisation
  • travel costs
  • living costs 

In Year 3, you may also undertake an elective clinical placement, either abroad or elsewhere in the UK. You are responsible for any costs associated with undertaking the elective placement. This can include:

  • visa costs
  • immunisation
  • travel costs
  • living costs

If you are from the rest of the UK and overseas, where your fees are not paid by the Scottish Government, you will be liable for the cost of the following mandatory items: 

  • uniforms
  • occupational health appointments
  • membership fee for the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme

Accommodation and living costs

Nursing students have an extended academic year due to placements. Dates vary but students should expect to require accommodation for part of the summer and in addition to the academic year.

You need to cover your accommodation and living costs for the duration of your programme.

We estimate that a single student can potentially spend a maximum of £920 to £2,257 on living costs each month, depending on your accommodation.

This estimate covers the costs of:

  • accommodation
  • food
  • utility bills
  • travel within Edinburgh
  • health and wellbeing costs

Scholarships and funding

Funding information

You can find detailed information on financial support available, based on where you are living, in our funding section.

What you will study

Life sciences, research skills, and social sciences are the three core strands of your studies. Between Year 1 and Year 4, you will build upon these as part of a spiral curriculum.

You will develop clinical skills working in the clinical skills laboratory, in nurse-led groups. The programme consists of inter-professional learning with medical students and those in other professions. 

Practice learning is integral to the programme. You will learn in a range of practice settings including:

  • community
  • care homes
  • acute hospital and specialist services

The description of course content provided below is for guidance only. Course names and content may be updated for your year of study.

Year 1 provides an introduction to the evidence base for nursing. This includes:

  • anatomy, physiology and life science
  • nursing care
  • sociological and psychological aspects of healthcare
  • a focus on academic skills, literature searching and referencing

In addition to the compulsory courses, you will also choose two option courses from subjects across the University.

You will undertake introductory virtual and in-person practice learning during term time. You will then enjoy full-time in-person practice learning placements over the summer period working with registered nurses.

Find Year 1 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Year 2 continues the introduction to the evidence base for nursing, adding complexity to the understandings. This includes:

  • anatomy and physiology
  • nursing care
  • mental health
  • technical innovations in healthcare
  • sociological and psychological aspects of healthcare
  • approaches to research

You will undertake practice learning in mental health and adult services during Year 2.

Find Year 2 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Year 3 allows you to develop leadership skills and deepen understandings of the evidence base for nursing. Core and option courses enhance critical thinking abilities and clinical decision-making.

You will choose honours option courses in each honours year, learning as a mixed group of Year 3 and Year 4 students. This allows you to personalise programmes of study and pursue nursing courses which address your disciplinary interests.

Skills teaching continues, and you will learn how to supervise and give feedback to learners in preparation for nursing roles post registration. Practice learning continues with a specialist attachment, further clinical placement and an optional individually organised elective.

Find Year 3 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

The final year is the culmination of your learning. Clinical skills learning is complete and you will spend the year adding value with interprofessional experiences in simulation and preparations for registration and future employment.

You will again choose honours option courses aligned to your disciplinary interests.

The dissertation course allows you to work on a topic of your choice to produce an honours dissertation. This is supported by close academic supervision.

Practice learning continues with a virtual placement focusing on supervision skills and an extended period in final placement.

Find Year 4 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Study abroad

There are potential opportunities to complete a clinical placement abroad in Year 3. 

There is also an opportunity for two students to take part in a semester-long exchange with an Australian university in Year 3. There is an application process for this opportunity.

Study and Work Away Service | The University of Edinburgh

I have really enjoyed the chance to undertake an Elective placement abroad to understand nursing globally.


Practice learning experiences will provide you with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a range of clinical areas and further develop your capacity for personal and professional development.

Clinical practice placements are provided by NHS Lothian and NHS Borders. You will be placed across these two health boards during your programme and can expect to spend time in each. You will work with a suitably prepared supervisor and assessor on your placement.

Clinical practice placements are an integral and compulsory part of the programme. As such, they extend the academic year beyond the typical university calendar.

Towards the end of Year 3, you have the opportunity to embark on an optional four-week clinical elective placement in the UK or abroad.

There is an additional opportunity for two students in Year 3 to undertake a single semester exchange with La Trobe University in Australia.

These unique elements of the programme will enable you to broaden your cultural horizons by developing your understandings of diverse nursing practices and global perspectives.

During this nursing programme, I have thoroughly enjoyed being out with the district nurses as one of my placements. I loved it and I learnt so much especially chatting to patients and their relatives ! I gained so much independence and it really gave me so much confidence.

Teaching and assessment


All nursing programmes in the UK are 50% theory and 50% practice. The courses you take in this programme have both theoretical and clinical practice elements.

You are required to attend in-person classes every week and to actively take part in clinical skills teaching sessions. The skills sessions require some preparation and you are asked to engage with materials in advance of the session so that you can maximise the skills laboratory session for hands-on practice and feedback.

You will learn through a combination of: 

  • lectures
  • tutorials
  • seminars
  • clinical skills sessions
  • problem-based learning
  • reflective diaries
  • group work
  • computer-assisted learning
  • simulation

You will also undertake learning in practice learning environments during clinical placements in each year. Attendance is carefully monitored in practice learning.


We use a range of assessments including:

  • coursework
  • multimedia presentations
  • group work
  • group presentations
  • exams
  • clinical practice assessments

This programme has progression points at the end of each academic year where you must demonstrate clinical competence as well as academic excellence.

Practice learning is jointly assessed by a Practice Assessor and an Academic Assessor in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Standards for Nurse Education and the Standards for Students Supervision and Assessment (2018).

This sample timetable for Semester 1 does not include any outside subjects.

Tutorials are typically 1 hour long whereas lectures can be 1 to 2 hours. Clinical skills teaching takes 1 to 2 hours plus travel time.

Semester 1 Sample TimetableAMPM
MondayWhat is Health - LectureUnderstanding the Person - Lecture
TuesdayUnderstanding the Person - TutorialsWhat is Health - Tutorials
WednesdayUnderstanding the Person - LectureFree for extracurricular activities
ThursdayClinical SkillsClinical Skills
FridayVirtual Placement 

Support for your studies

You will have access to a range of support services if you need them throughout your degree.

We will assign you to a school adviser, and this should be the first person to contact if you need help. They can guide you to other University service teams depending on what support you need.

Academic support and guidance

In addition to the support outlined above, student nurses are supported in practice learning experiences by both clinical and academic staff.

Our academic staff

Professor Aisha Holloway, Chair of Nursing Studies & Programme Director of the Nursing Now Challenge.

Dr Glenna Nightingale, Chancellor's Fellow & Year 1 Academic Cohort Lead.

Dr Lissette Aviles, Lecturer & Year 2 Academic Assessor.

Dr Jenni Tocher, Director of Learning and Teaching & Critical Care Course Organiser.

Dr Divya Sivaramakrishnan, Year 4 Academic Cohort Lead.

Dr Leah Macaden, Senior Lecturer & International Lead.

Read Leah’s profile

Where you will study

Study location

Teaching takes place across the Central Campus, Holyrood and New College areas of the University. 

Clinical skills teaching takes place at the Chancellor's Building Clinical Skills Centre, at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Academic facilities

You will have access to:

  • teaching and learning facilities
  • clinical skills lab
  • libraries
  • computer labs


This programme is validated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

All students must complete annual declarations that they are of Good Health and Character to meet NMC requirements to continue on programme.

Achievement of the required clinical and academic outcomes leads to eligibility for registration with the NMC as an adult nurse. 

Career paths

Career prospects are excellent for nursing studies graduates from the University of Edinburgh. 

Our graduates have gone onto a range of clinical settings in both community and hospital contexts, specialising in areas such as:

  • intensive care
  • oncology
  • theatres
  • accident and emergency
  • voluntary sector organisations

Other graduates have explored careers in:

  • health care policy development
  • research
  • education
  • global development
  • prison health
  • care homes
  • health care related businesses

Careers Service

Our Careers Service can help you to fully develop your potential and achieve your future goals.

The Careers Service supports you not only while you are studying at the University, but also for up to two years after you finish your studies.

With the Careers Service, you can:

  • access digital resources to help you understand your skills and strengths
  • try different types of experiences and reflect on how and what you develop
  • get help finding work, including part-time jobs, vacation work, internships and graduate jobs
  • attend careers events and practice interviews
  • get information and advice to help you make informed decisions

Further study

You may choose to undertake further study for a masters degree or PhD and go on to develop your career in areas such as: 

  • higher education
  • research
  • management
  • policy development

Graduate profiles

Never once have I regretted ticking the Edinburgh University box on the UCAS form to study for a nursing degree. It has given me a fantastic foundation for my brilliant and varied career in operating theatre nursing. Not only that, but I've made friends for life! 

How to apply

You must submit a full application through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) before the relevant deadline.

What you need to apply

As part of your application, you will need:

  • your academic qualifications
  • a personal statement
  • evidence of your English language skills (with relevant qualifications)
  • a reference

How we select

If you have met, or are predicted to meet, all our entry requirements by the relevant deadline, then your application will go into our selection process.

As part of this selection process, we will review all the information you submit in your UCAS application when we decide who to select for this degree programme.

When to apply

  • 2026 entry UCAS deadline: 14 January 2026 (6:00pm GMT)

This is the deadline for all UK, EU and international applicants to non-medicine and veterinary medicine programmes.

To find out if any degree programmes have spaces after 14 January 2026, search the University of Edinburgh on the UCAS website.

After you apply

After you have applied for your degree programme, we suggest you have a look at the following information to help you prepare for university:

Health check

You must undergo hepatitis B immunisation, TB status and an occupational health check before starting the degree. You will also need to meet any NHS Scotland vaccination requirements. 

Join the PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) scheme for a background check

If we give you an offer, you will need to join Disclosure Scotland's Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme before you start this degree programme.

We will send you information on how to join the PVG scheme.

PVG scheme information on the Scottish Government website

If you live outside the UK

If you live outside the UK, or have spent more than one year living outside the UK, then you will need to provide equivalent verification from the relevant national authority.

If you have a criminal conviction

If you state you have a criminal conviction, we will not ask for any more details until we consider your application and decide you are eligible for an offer.

Applying as an international student

As an international student, you apply for this degree programme through UCAS.  

Visas and immigration 

If you do not have the right to live in the UK, you will need to apply for and secure a Student visa before the start date of your degree programme.  

Our Student Immigration Service can help you with the Student visa application process. 


An education agent is someone who can help you with the application process as an international student. 

We work with education agents around the world and have a list of local offices you can contact.  

What our students say

Find out what our students say about BN Nursing Studies.


We guarantee an offer of University accommodation for all new, single undergraduate students from outside Edinburgh. To be eligible, you need to meet all criteria and apply for accommodation by 16 August in the year of your entry to the University.

If you prefer to live elsewhere, we can offer you advice on finding accommodation in Edinburgh.

Societies and clubs

Our societies and sports clubs will help you develop your interests, meet like-minded people, find a new hobby or simply socialise.


Sports clubs

The Nursing Society offers a wide range of social events throughout the year, including over the period of summer placements.

We create academic families which include students from each of the four years. They provide a really nice way to get to know other students and share advice and experiences. We have full society events and have smaller socials within ‘families’ providing something for everyone.

As we are a smaller programme, this means we all get to know each other and create a very strong nursing community. From study sessions to pub crawls we have all social events covered. The nursing society is always happy to answer any questions or concerns and offers lots of support especially during placements.

The city of Edinburgh

Scotland's inspiring capital will form the background to your studies — a city with an irresistible blend of history, natural beauty and modern city life.

Health and wellbeing support

You will have access to free health and wellbeing services throughout your time at university if you need them.

The support services we offer include:

  • a student counselling service
  • a health centre (doctor's surgery)
  • support if you're living in University accommodation
  • dedicated help and support if you have a disability or need adjustment