About the degree programme

Fire safety strongly influences the built environments we inhabit and impacts our lives in many diverse ways. Traditional approaches are based mainly on experience, however, the building industry is constantly innovating in pursuit of efficiency.

It is the role of the fire safety engineer to anticipate, understand and react to these innovations, proposing solutions based on sound engineering principles.

The subject is fundamentally multi-disciplinary in nature and the engineer must seek to balance the complex and often conflicting demands of clients, architects, the fire authorities and regulators.

A fire safety engineer therefore needs to be equipped with essential knowledge of fire phenomena, and an understanding of how people, structures, and fire safety systems respond to fire.


Programme aims

Through this degree programme you will build on many of the fundamental concepts of civil and environmental engineering, applying your scientific knowledge in the design of infrastructure that properly addresses fire hazards.

Ties to industry

We have strong industrial engagement through our Industrial Advisory Board and industrial input to our teaching, including our design projects.

You will also have opportunities to interact with recent graduates who are now working in industry.

How long it takes to complete this degree programme

This programme takes 4 years to complete.

A key benefit to studying a 4-year degree programme is that you have the flexibility to study a range of subjects, outside your chosen degree programme in Year 1.

Second year entry 

Our course structure is designed in such a way that we permit Year 2 direct entry. You will receive support and resources to allow you to catch-up with relevant Year 1 material. If you are eligible for a direct entry into the second year, this programme takes 3 years to complete.

(Revised 12 March 2025 to add in second year entry information)

Programme rankings

  • Consistently ranked in the UK's top 10 universities for engineering (THE Rankings by subject 2024 and QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025).

Programme benefits

  • Make use of an enviable suite of facilities including specialist laboratories, a student makerspace and cutting-edge industry-standard equipment.
  • Our unique programmes give you a broad and detailed understanding of civil and environmental engineering, setting you up to work in any field you choose after graduation.
  • You will benefit from field trips, design-led and team-oriented teaching approaches, and strong engagement with industry which informs our teaching.

Find your entry requirements

Use the dropdowns to find out your entry requirements.

  1. Select the country where you are studying or where you studied your qualification.
  2. Select the qualification you are studying or studied.
United Kingdom,

Tuition fees for BEng (Hons) Structural and Fire Safety Engineering

View the tuition fees for one academic year of BEng (Hons) Structural and Fire Safety Engineering.

Accommodation and living costs

You need to cover your accommodation and living costs for the duration of your programme.

We estimate that a single student can potentially spend a maximum of £920 to £2,257 on living costs each month, depending on your accommodation.

This estimate covers the costs of:

  • accommodation
  • food
  • utility bills
  • travel within Edinburgh
  • health and wellbeing costs

Scholarships and funding

Funding information

You can find detailed information on financial support available, based on where you are living, in our funding section.

What you will study

Curriculum renewal

The School of Engineering is currently undertaking an ongoing curriculum renewal, which may result in changes to this degree programme.

The renewal is being carried out with:

  • our industrial partners
  • accreditation bodies
  • students

This renewal makes sure we equip you for an exciting career in the ever-changing world of engineering.

In Year 1, you will take introductory courses to develop the skills which you will need to succeed at the interface of fire and structural engineering.

You will:

  • develop your critical thinking, teamworking, and problem-solving skills in interdisciplinary engineering design tasks
  • learn the fundamental mathematics that underpins engineering science and design
  • choose option courses to broaden your academic horizons from across the University
Find Year 1 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

In Year 2, you will study fire science and take courses across the breadth of civil and environmental engineering to prepare you to take more specialised courses in later years. We will introduce you to topics such as:

  • structural, soil, and fluid mechanics
  • fire safety engineering
  • engineering materials and geology
  • environmental engineering and sustainability
  • engineering mathematics
  • land surveying
Find Year 2 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

In Year 3, you will start your honours programme and encounter more specialist courses covering topics in:

  • fire safety engineering
  • conceptual design and sustainability
  • water treatment and water transport
  • geotechnical engineering
  • structural analysis
  • transport systems engineering
  • engineering construction

These courses will give you the knowledge needed to understand the essential link between civil engineering and fire safety engineering in the later years of the programme.

Progression routes

At the end of Year 3, you will have the option to complete one more year for a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) degree, or a further two years for a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree.

The latter is subject to you achieving an average of 55% or higher in Year 3.

Find Year 3 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

You will take a mix of courses, covering civil engineering knowledge on topics such as:

  • fire science and engineering
  • structural design
  • engineering design projects

You will complete a research project and submit your research thesis (or dissertation).

You will complete a thorough review of the engineering context and provide a unique solution through experimental, numerical, or analytical means, working with supervisors who are world-leaders in their research fields.

Find Year 4 courses (2024-2025 academic year)

Study abroad

In Year 3, you will have opportunities to study abroad.

The University has a variety of agreements with international institutions that allow you to study there in Year 3. 

Common destinations include:

  • USA 
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Europe
  • Asia

What are my choices for going abroad?

This is enhanced by subject-specific agreements which provide additional destinations.

Where can I go?

(Revised 12 March 2025 to update study abroad information)

Teaching and assessment


The exciting nature of engineering means you will have a diverse learning experience throughout your degree programme.

We will teach you through a combination of:

  • interactive lectures and seminars
  • hands-on laboratory activities
  • individual and group design projects

In your final years, you will undertake research projects with individual supervision advancing the frontiers of engineering knowledge.


You will be assessed through coursework and examinations.

For detailed information on compulsory and option courses you should review the Programme Structure - Degree Programme Table. You can find links to this information under the individual years of study.

Refer to individual course details to see the types of assessment included.

Support for your studies

You will have access to a range of support services if you need them throughout your degree.

We will assign you to a student adviser, and this should be the first person to contact if you need help. They can guide you to other University service teams depending on what support you need.

Our academic staff

You will be taught by leaders in their engineering fields whose knowledge is actively sought out by industry and government internationally.

Our research directly informs what you study. You will learn from academics who are researching solutions to the world’s grand challenges and delivering critical societal, economic and environmental outcomes.

Where you will study

Study location

The majority of your learning will take place at the King’s Buildings campus, depending on courses selected.

The King’s Buildings campus is around 15 minutes from central Edinburgh by bus or bike.

You may also study at various University campus locations in the vibrant city of Edinburgh, depending on the option courses selected.

Academic facilities

At the King's Buildings campus, you will have access to a wide range of practical facilities including:

  • the Rushbrook Fire Lab
  • laboratories for large structures and materials

In addition, you can access a wide range of academic facilities, including:

  • libraries
  • study spaces (some spaces are open 24 hours)
  • IT facilities
  • social spaces
  • leisure facilities

You can also take advantage of the University’s computing resources. This includes a laptop loan service offered through the library, with extended loans available for those in financial hardship.

Borrowing a laptop

All essential reading materials are freely accessible through the University library or on our online learning platform LEARN.

Virtual tour

You can take a closer look at the School of Engineering and explore our facilities and campus on the University's Virtual Visit site.

Virtual visit - School of Engineering


BEng Structural and Fire Safety Engineering fully meets the academic requirement for registration as an Incorporated Engineer and partially meets the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer. It is accredited by the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM), on behalf of the Engineering Council, comprising the:

  • Institution of Civil Engineers
  • Institution of Structural Engineers
  • Institute of Highway Engineers
  • Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation
  • Permanent Way Institution

Candidates must hold a masters or doctorate accredited as further learning for Chartered Engineers (CEng) to hold accredited qualifications for the CEng registration.

Career paths

Studying engineering at the University of Edinburgh prepares you for a career as a professional engineer in the UK or abroad.

All our programmes meet the requirements of the UK's professional engineering bodies.

On graduating from this programme, you will have:

  • fundamental engineering knowledge
  • practical, communication, and design skills
  • deeper knowledge of fire safety engineering

This enables you to join a design, production or research team, or to move rapidly into management and leadership roles.

On the other hand, many of our graduates go on to work in other areas, including:

  • the civil service
  • education
  • the emergency services or the armed forces
  • the financial sector


The School of Engineering funds a number of internships each year to enable students to work on research or teaching focused projects over the summer and gain relevant work experience here in the School. Internships are allocated on a competitive basis, across each of the four disciplines: Chemical, Civil, Electronics & Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Applications are open to non-finalist undergraduate students who are at least in the second year of their programme.​

We support you in developing graduate skills through our Edinburgh Award for civil and environmental engineering industrial internships. After completion, this will be recognised on your academic transcript.

Edinburgh Award

(Revised 12 March 2025 to update internships information)

Careers Service

Our Careers Service can help you to fully develop your potential and achieve your future goals.

The Careers Service supports you not only while you are studying at the University, but also for up to two years after you finish your studies.

With the Careers Service, you can:

  • access digital resources to help you understand your skills and strengths
  • try different types of experiences and reflect on how and what you develop
  • get help finding work, including part-time jobs, vacation work, internships and graduate jobs
  • attend careers events and practice interviews
  • get information and advice to help you make informed decisions

Visit the Careers Service website

Further study

After you complete your programme, you may want to go onto further study at Edinburgh or a different university. You could progress to:

  • a masters degree
  • a postgraduate diploma or certificate
  • a PhD
  • a second undergraduate degree

How to apply

You must submit a full application through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) before the relevant deadline.

What you need to apply

As part of your application, you will need:

  • your academic qualifications
  • a personal statement
  • evidence of your English language skills (with relevant qualifications)
  • a reference

How we select

If you have met, or are predicted to meet, all our entry requirements by the relevant deadline, then your application will go into our selection process.

As part of this selection process, we will review all the information you submit in your UCAS application when we decide who to select for this degree programme.

When to apply

  • 2026 entry UCAS deadline: 14 January 2026 (6:00pm GMT)

This is the deadline for all UK, EU and international applicants to non-medicine and veterinary medicine programmes.

To find out if any degree programmes have spaces after 14 January 2026, search the University of Edinburgh on the UCAS website.

After you apply

After you have applied for your degree programme, we suggest you have a look at the following information to help you prepare for university:

Applying as an international student

As an international student, you apply for this degree programme through UCAS.  

Visas and immigration 

If you do not have the right to live in the UK, you will need to apply for and secure a Student visa before the start date of your degree programme.  

Our Student Immigration Service can help you with the Student visa application process. 


An education agent is someone who can help you with the application process as an international student. 

We work with education agents around the world and have a list of local offices you can contact.  


We guarantee an offer of University accommodation for all new, single undergraduate students from outside Edinburgh. To be eligible, you need to meet all criteria and apply for accommodation by 16 August in the year of your entry to the University.

If you prefer to live elsewhere, we can offer you advice on finding accommodation in Edinburgh.

Societies and clubs

Our vibrant student-led Civil Engineering Society (CivSoc) connects students with a wide range of social, industrial, and academic networks and activities.

Additionally, you can gain practical experience through design projects run with our industrial partners, internships, and placements, or by joining our student-led projects such as:

  • Engineering for Change (sustainability)
  • Edinburgh University Formula Student (automotive technology)
  • HYPED (Hyperloop)
  • Endeavour (rocketry)
  • Asteria (space and satellites)
  • HumanEd (robotics)
  • Precious Plastics (recycling)

Our societies and sports clubs will help you develop your interests, meet like-minded people, find a new hobby or simply socialise.


Sports clubs

The city of Edinburgh

Edinburgh is regularly voted among the UK’s top student cities (top 2 in the UK, QS 2024).

Scotland's inspiring capital will form the background to your studies - a city with an irresistible blend of history, natural beauty and modern city life.

Find out more about living in Edinburgh

Our community

The School of Engineering fosters a vibrant and inclusive community for all its members. Our students, from diverse backgrounds, come together to collaborate on innovative projects, and participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities. The supportive environment encourages personal and academic growth, with numerous opportunities for community-building and networking.

Health and wellbeing support

You will have access to free health and wellbeing services throughout your time at university if you need them.

The support services we offer include:

  • a student counselling service
  • a health centre (doctor's surgery)
  • support if you're living in University accommodation
  • dedicated help and support if you have a disability or need adjustment