Subject: Physics and Astronomy 2026 entry Astrophysics BSc (Hons) F510 Astrophysics MPhys F361 Computational Physics BSc (Hons) F343 Computational Physics MPhys F355 Mathematical Physics BSc (Hons) F326 Mathematical Physics MPhys F325 Physics BSc (Hons) F300 Physics MPhys F303 Physics with a Year Abroad MPhys W2S4 Physics with Meteorology BSc (Hons) F304 Physics with Meteorology MPhys 9W23 Theoretical Physics BSc (Hons) F302 Theoretical Physics MPhys F306 You may also be interested in 2026 entry Chemical Physics BSc (Hons) F334 Chemical Physics MChemPhys F333 Chemistry MChem F104 Computer Science and Physics BSc (Hons) GF43 Geophysics BSc (Hons) F660 Geophysics MEarthPhys M7G6 Geophysics and Geology BSc (Hons) F690 Geophysics and Geology MEarthPhys L3R7 Geophysics and Geology with Professional Placement MEarthPhys L5T6 Geophysics and Meteorology BSc (Hons) FFP8 Geophysics and Meteorology MEarthPhys K7T8 Geophysics and Meteorology with Professional Placement MEarthPhys K8T9 Geophysics with Professional Placement MEarthPhys U9H6 Mathematics and Physics BSc (Hons) GF13